Also in this week-ending, Friday afternoon edition of Biz Break: MGM gets into the Ray Bradbury business, how Obama lost Hollywood, and more...
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Hurrah for Tweet-happy directors! Thanks to Adam Shankman (@adammshankman), we've got our first look at Catherine Zeta-Jones in character as the mayor's wife in Shankman's now-filming musical Rock of Ages, along with a glimpse of two retro rocker cameos you can expect to see in the film.
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Though treatment for her bipolar II disorder shouldn't hamper filming on her next two upcoming films, Catherine Zeta-Jones is, the LA Times points out, "in the midst of an unusual career dry spell." Since her debut in the 1990 French film Les 1001 Nuits, Zeta-Jones had appeared in projects almost every year or two, but she hasn't had a film open theatrically in wide release since 2007's No Reservations.
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