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REVIEW: If You've Seen One Demonic-Possession Movie and It's The Devil Inside, You've Seen Them All

REVIEW: If You've Seen One Demonic-Possession Movie and It's The Devil Inside, You've Seen Them All

The characters who manned the cameras in The Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield weren't pros, providing an excuse for the shakiness and dizzy-making whip pans. Michael (Ionut Grama), the guy who's supposed to be shooting the faux documentary The Devil Inside, is a filmmaker, so the fact that he can't seem to keep anything in focus and frames shots so awkwardly is bewildering. Does this guy actually have a faux filmography, or is this his faux debut? And why does he mount cameras in multiple locations around his subject Isabella Rossi's (Fernanda Andrade) car when he's always with her anyway -- does he imagine himself the Abbas Kiarostami of exorcism exposés?
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