Check Out These Amazing Drawings of Alternate Lisbeth Salander Casting Options

Since we've all watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo like good little people-who-are-trying-to-figure-out-why-the-hell-it's-is-such-a-phenomenon-because-even-my-parents-care-about-it-now, it's the perfect time to reflect on what would've happened if David Fincher ditched Rooney Mara and opted for another ingenue to play Lisbeth Salander. Carey Mulligan? Ellen Page? Anne Hathaway? If I had the MS Paint prowess, I'd whip up renderings of Barbara Stanwyck, Faye Dunaway, and 94-year-old Joan Fontaine in the nose studs and combat boots, but I'll leave that to your imagination. After the jump, check out a bunch of very accurate, wholly hypothetical Lisbeth portraits.