After perusing former New York Post reporter Mandy Stadtmiller's must-read post for XOJane.com about how she inspired a character on Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom, I had to find out if the show's creator responded to her after her story hit the 'net.
He did, although his response was not what I expected. more »

Also in this morning's edition of Biz Break: Sony Classics reunites with an Oscar-winner, Music Box takes a risk with a Hemingway, John Woo gets in on a remake, and more...
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Looks like Jane Fonda followed our advice exactly and plans to revive the news-hungry character she played in The China Syndrome in what will mark her first major TV foray: Fonda has signed on for a recurring role in Aaron Sorkin's upcoming HBO drama as Leona Lansing, the CEO of a cable news network's parent company. Sounds like a pretty close match to her third husband Ted Turner, no? If Leona Lansing starts colorizing old news reels, we'll know the parallel is intentional. [TVLine]