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From The Exorcist to 127 Hours, the 9 Most Shocking Scenes In Oscar-Nominated Roles

9 Shocking Scenes from Oscar Nominated Performances

Chances are at least a few of your casual conversations about Bridesmaids have revolved around the scene in which Melissa McCarthy is forced to use a bridal shop sink as a toilet. The true beauty of that scene was Kristen Wiig’s Annie, sweat-drenched, trying to stay composed while she was berated over choosing a restaurant that caused some serious gastrointestinal horrors for the ladies. Not to suggest that McCarthy doesn’t deserve the praise; she’s a terrific actress (Sookie forever!).
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64-Year-Old Man Unwittingly Recreates 127 Hours Survival Story

64-Year-Old Man Unwittingly Recreates 127 Hours Survival Story

Eight years after Aron Ralston cut off his own arm to free himself from a boulder in Utah's Little Blue John Canyon, a 64-year-old North Carolina man faced a similar survival nightmare while hiking in the same Utah desert earlier this month. Even though Amos Wayne Richards had seen 127 Hours -- the Danny Boyle film starring James Franco that chronicled Ralston's hiking disaster -- he still set out for a solo hike without telling anyone of his plans. Richards broke a leg, dislocated his shoulder and was forced to survive four days on rain water and a pair of protein bars before attracting the attention of a helicopter pilot overhead with the flash on his camera. Lesson learned this time? [EW via AP]