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Now Oscar-Campaigning Rabbis Come to Inglourious Basterds' Aid

Last week's commandeering of the Oscar zeitgeist by the Inglourious Basterds team might have seemed too-little-too-late for a vote that ends tomorrow. But if you can imagine and even more obvious, desperate campaign strategy than all that troop-recruiting, Hurt Locker-slamming action of late, it would probably look and/or sound like Operation Rabbi, which apparently has been quietly underway since last fall.
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Presenting Walt Disney's POCATAR

Are we sick of Avatar trailer parodies yet? No, we aren't. Not since the bonanza that followed Brokeback Mountain has one trailer provided so many rich opportunities for creative hacking and pop-culture gene-splicing. There was the (still the best) Team America: World Police version, the all-babies version, and now the inevitable, and yet wholly satisfying Disney's Pocahontas version. Watch now as Captain John Smith arrives to plunder a brave new world inhabited by a spiritual tribe of deadly hunters known as the Powhatan; then falls in love with Pocahontas, daughter of the tribe Chief; then joins up with them to fight off the sinister Governor Ratcliffe, whose intention is to lay waste to their homes in search of precious metals. Yes, it's exactly the same plot as Avatar -- but answer me this: Did Disney's animators commit thousands of man-hours and millions of dollars towards the development of the perfect Pocahontasian breast?! Now that you mention it, it is pretty amazing what you can do with a pencil. [via Vulture]

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Movieline Justice Dept.: Suggested Punishments For The Hurt Locker's Oscar Campaign Violations

As the red-carpeted terminus of the Road to Oscar comes into view, the terrain becomes far more treacherous, the journey more fraught with mortal peril. At this critical time, voters must be on high alert for campaign treachery, lest they be unfairly swayed by the unscrupulous tricks of the desperate; while those friendly seeming, pan-handling Na'Vi warriors loitering in front of the Kodak Theater might draw Academy Members close with the promise of a cheap Polaroid memento, they'll instead deliver a whispered reminder that the "silly little Iraq movie" made only $12 million domestic, a withering insinuation that the film's steel-nerved heroes couldn't defuse a poopy diaper while wearing a full-body blast suit.
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Avatar's Oscar Chances Seek Dramatic Boost From God

A sharp-eyed reader in New York sends along this photo taken earlier today, suggesting a Best Picture ace in the hole we pretty much assumed James Cameron has been holding on to all along. And why shouldn't he? God does probably owe him money.

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Are Hurt Locker Foes Using Troops to Take Down the Oscar Front-Runner?

Another day brings another stumbling block for The Hurt Locker in its express route to Oscar glory. But unlike the idiotic, Avatar-bashing e-mail campaign that got one of its nominated producers in deep serious with the Academy (and may cost him his ceremony tickets, eventual Academy membership and/or worse), this matter has the distinct smell of awards-season dirty tricks.
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Tyler Perry Oscars-Bound

Take the day off, America! It's the only appropriate reaction to celebrate the news that Tyler Perry has been enlisted to present at this year's Oscar ceremony. His category and possible co-presenter are not yet announced (it has to be Zac Efron, right?), but holy crap Tyler Perry is presenting an Academy Award. I can't wait to receive his next fan message and hear nothing else about this. [AMPAS]

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Will Jeff Bridges Cigar Purchase Earn Scrutiny From On-Edge Academy?

The ongoing scandal surrounding a Hurt Locker producer and his ill-advised Oscar rallying cry has all of Hollywood on edge today. Fear, paranoia and loathing have gripped fellow nominees and Academy leadership in particular, with emergency meetings and various disciplinary measures dominating a period that should be marked by joy, celebration and unintelligible Adam Shankman tweets about the progress of his So You Think You Can Dance alums on the biggest stage of their lives. And now... this: Best Actor front-runner Jeff Bridges is said to have ordered two cases of high-end cigars in advance of the March 7 ceremony. Awfully confident there, aren't we? Does he know something the rest of us don't?
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If He Hurt You, He's Sorry

In the early days of this Oscar season, there were all sorts of intriguing scandals, whether it had to do with Tobey Maguire's Blu-ray generosity or Mo'nique's innocent inquiries on the ability of a little gold man to affect her bottom line. Now, though, we'll have to make do with a misstep from The Hurt Locker co-producer Nicolas Chartier, who's in hot water for sending out a rule-violating email bashing Avatar: "If everyone tells one or two of their friends, we will win and not a $500M film, we need independent movies to win like the movies you and I do, so if you believe The Hurt Locker is the best movie of 2010, help us!" The Hurt Locker awards campaign: officially spazzing out. [Gold Derby]

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Oscar Youth Movement Continues With Presenters Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart, Miley Cyrus

The one thing that this year's Oscar producers intend to carry over from 2009's show is, ironically, also the one thing that has exasperated purists sobbing into their coffee this morning: A calculated appeal to tweens. The Academy disclosed Monday that Twicons Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will debut as Oscar presenters alongside returning stars Miley Cyrus and Zac Efron. But, but... whither Robert Pattinson, last year's Twilight representative of choice?
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Awards Round-Up: Between the Alternative Oscars and the Bennies, Everyone Wins

If we all really must go through the final 14 days of awards season with the winners already determined, then we're going to need some diversions to sustain our interest. And since Mickey Rourke's chihuahua-toting, groin-patting, and otherwise outrageous exploits of 2009 have been reduced to a few seconds on another continent, it's time to scour the wires. And I'm glad I did -- you'll never guess what Harvey Weinstein is saying now.
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WGA, BAFTA Winner Hurt Locker Closes the Book on Awards Season

But for the defiant tweets sure to come from Oscarcast co-producer Adam Shankman ("But weve got DANCERZZzzhflkjhaf"), awards season pretty much ended over the weekend when The Hurt Locker supplemented its Writers Guild Award for Best Original Screenplay with BAFTA wins for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Original Screenplay. Thanks for playing, Avatar and Inglourious Basterds -- you can quit campaigning now. Read on for a little more analysis, full lists of both organization's winners and an obligatory photo of BAFTA rising star Kristen Stewart looking bored as hell.
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Movieline Helps: Simplified Best Picture Voting Instructions for the Confused Academy Member

As we've previously discussed, the preferential voting system the Academy adopted for this year's ten-nominee-strong Best Picture race can be terribly, terribly complicated, with even our best efforts to explain the process generating more confusion than clarity. It's not at all surprising, then, that some Oscar voters find themselves so flummoxed by the blank ballot in front of them that they'd rather open a vein with the nibs of their pens rather than puzzle out what, exactly, the Academy expects them to do with the poorly explained voting thingy before them. (Have a look at Pete Hammond's new Gold Derby piece for some firsthand accounts of the rampant voter confusion now gripping the electorate.) We at Movieline feel the pain of these uncertainty-plagued individuals, and so we're offering the Academy a helping hand by providing a simplified set of Best Picture voting instructions so that the members' collective will can be communicated as painlessly as possible to the soon-to-be-harried accountants of PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Hit the jump for our helpful directions!

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How Often Does a Modern-Day Film Win the Best Costumes Oscar?

If there's one nominee that I'm really rooting for in the Best Costume Design category at the Academy Awards, it's Monique Prudhomme for The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus. It isn't simply that she managed to channel Terry Gilliam and make iconic ensembles that could withstand an onslaught of special effects and hastily subbed-in actors, it's that she was nominated for outfitting a film set in the present day, and that happens so rarely. Does she have a shot at a win? If history is any judge, the odds against her are steep.

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Sacha? Fierce

I certainly didn't see this one coming in Adam Shankman's mystery tweets. The gym rat/part-time Oscar producer revealed to NPR yesterday that his first choice to host this year's Oscars was professional provocateur Sacha Baron Cohen. Though the Academy immediately swatted the bold choice down, I wonder how you get from Cohen to the comfort food of Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin. Something tells me that we were thisclose to Academy Awards host Russell Brand. [THR via Vulture]

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'I Eat You'

New York-based Academy members will dine on an Oscar night themed menu, explained Palace Hotel executive chef Justin Bogle, including a Hurt Locker-inspired "fois gras bomb," an Inglourious Basterds-inspired "citrus-marinated kingfish topped with blood orange," and for dessert, an "inverted blueberry pie" lying at the feet of a "sugar-spun Na'vi figure." The pie is meant to resemble the "delicious contents of Col. Quaritch's crushed-open skull," Bogle explained. "Tell them Toruk Makto baked it! You eat now, with me! My brothers! Sisters! And we will show the Sky People... that they can not take whatever they want! And that this... this is our dessert! YAAARRRWHHH!!!!!!" [NY Daily News]