9 Film Villains Who Actually Scare Me
When it comes to frightening cinematic villains, this list will likely seem tame to hardcore horror film fanatics — those who…

When — and How — Great Movie Narration Works
Film narration carries the dubious reputation of being a fallback trick for lesser directors, a device to trot out when other…

Miscast Roles: The Case For Mark Ruffalo in Rise of the Planet of the Apes
You know this movie, and chances are that you loved this movie -- except for that one role that almost ruined it all. Miscast…

If You Liked The Grey, Then You'd Better Check Out The Edge
If you enjoyed watching Liam Neeson battle territorial wolves in Joe Carnahan's The Grey — and plenty of moviegoers have — then…

Genius Films About Genius (and Other Pretenders)
Films about geniuses are so numerous that they almost constitute their own genre. One seems to pop up every few years, always…