Dark Souls: 5 Video Games That Should Be Horror Movies

Video Games Horror Movies

1. House of the Dead: Overkill

Pros: House of the Dead is an established franchise, and movie producers love established franchises. Even better, unlike its predecessors and other games in the zombie-killing genre,  Overkill is quite original. After four fantastic games where the only difference was your weapon (the arcade games series swapped out the standard pistols for big plastic shotguns and machine guns), the House of the Dead creators shook things up with a tongue-in-cheek grindcore comedy inspired by Robert Rodriguez's 2007 Planet Terror. The result is ideal for a movie version: a self-aware buddy comedy blowing the hell out of ugly monsters and sending up monster movie cliches.

Cons: The name is almost irrevocably poisoned thanks to Uwe Boll, whose adaptation of the first House of the Dead did more damage to video game heroes than every final boss put together. But that's not such a big problem anymore. We’re living in a world where movies are rebooted every five years whether they succeed or not. Spider-Man was restarted because the third one sucked. Batman is being rebooted because the third one rocked.  Besides, coming back from the dead is what zombie movies are all about.

Luke McKinney loves the real world, but only because it has movies and video games in it. He responds to every tweet.

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  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution should be on this list. That played like a badass cross between Blade Runner, Robocop, Albert Pyun's Nemesis, and classic film noirs.

    Bonus points for producers looking to make it on the cheap, just re-use the sets from that awful Total Recall remake.

    • SD says:

      Great call on DE:HR. I think that you could also say the original Deus Ex as well.

      I think the problem with all adaptations comes with the story. Do you try to recreate the story completely? (In which case what is the point of watching it) Or do you pick a franchise with a lot of lore and use that as a basis for a new story?

      I think Red Dead Redemption or maybe Heavy Rain could work as straight adaptations. Fallout has a lot of lore that could work for an original story.

      I am interested (if they ever happen) in the adaptations of Shadow of the Colossus and Assassin's Creed though.

      • Andrew K says:

        Agreed - Heavy Rain wanted to be a movie anyway. Red Dead could also work. But I think once you take out the interactivity of these two, you see just how unoriginal they truly are, particularly Heavy Rain.

        i would like to see a Bioshock movie, though. I had much more fun looking at it and following the story than I did actually playing it.

        A Zelda movie could work - it has a simplistic, mythical quality to it that is often lacking in the fantasy genre, usually bogged down with nerd arcana.

  • Ziggy says:

    Phantasmagoria, it was basically like a movie as it was.

  • jamesob5 says:

    Here's my picks for a Bioshock movie:
    *Jack - Sam Worthington
    *Big Daddy - Ron Perlman
    *Andrew Ryan - James Cromwell
    *Atlas - Colin Farrell
    *Frank Fontaine - Robert De Niro
    *Brigid Tenenbaum - Sigourney Weaver