After Innocence Of Muslims, 2 Possible Muhammad Pics On The Way

More Muhammad pics are in the planning stages and this time, they may include cinematic quality. By now, just about every filmmaker or aspiring filmmaker knows that it's a full-on major taboo to depict the Prophet Muhammad in a movie. That rule doesn't just apply to the recent low-budget video that appeared on YouTube, Innocence of Muslims, which didn't exactly depict the Muslim prophet in the best of light, but any depiction is absolutely forbidden among Muslims or anyone else for that matter, at least according to the raging crowds that have rioted for the past two weeks in front of American missions around the Muslim world. But while depictions of Muhammad have remained mostly absent in Hollywood and Western movies throughout the decades, the anti-Islam pic may have had the unintended (or not) effect of opening up a floodgate - or at least a trickle - as at least two filmmakers are looking to make separate pics featuring the prophet, and if all goes according to plan, their budgets will likely be higher.
Leading the next possible wave of Muhammad projects are two ex-Muslims who are developing biopics that will give critical takes on Muhammad, according to the Los Angeles Times.
L.A. based Palestinian filmmaker, Mosab Hassan Yousef, told the paper he has cast a "prominent Hollywood actor" to play Muhamad in a project he says has a proposed budget of $30 million. The story would center on the prophet from age 12 until his death and would be reminiscent of Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.
"My goal is to create this big mirror to show the Muslim world the true image of its leader," Yousef is quoted as saying. The one difference with the depiction of Jesus Christ, however, is that Yousef's take may be less of a glorified account of Muhammad than Gibson's Passion.
Yousef's book Son of Hamas tells of his journey from a "terrorist to Israeli spy to born-again Christian," according to L.A.T. He claims to not be 'anti-Muslim,' and says his mother is still a practicing member of the religion that claims 1.5 billion followers worldwide, but he apparently converted under the guidance of a radical Egyptian Christian - Father Zakaria Botros Henein - who has criticized Muhammad as a "pedophile and buffoon."
Even further along the way to becoming reality, is another film by an atheist raised in Iran, Ali Sina, which is said to be in pre-production and claims to have $2 million secured so far. Sina hopes to raise a total of $10 million for the project. Still untitled, the story will liken Muhammad to cult leaders Jim Jones or David Koresh. The Canadian resident plans to begin shooting the pic next year.
"We can bypass theaters completely and sell the movie online with a profit to a large number of people, especially Muslims," Sina said. "They can download it and watch it even if they are living in Karachi or Mecca or Medina."
Innocence of Muslims was actually not the first depiction of Muhammad in the West that incited violent reaction in the Muslim world. In 2005 and 2006, Danish publication Jyllands-Posten published a dozen cartoons that later sparked massive protests resulting in more than 100 deaths and the bombing of the Danish embassy in Pakistan in addition fires being set at the normally placid Scandinavian country's embassies in Syria, Lebanon and Iran. Its prime minister at the time described the controversy as Denmark's works international crisis since World War II.
[Source: Los Angeles Times]
You dont have the right to insult our prophet mohammad salawlahi wassalam, all of u who are follower of jesus christ well go 2 da hell because only ISLAM is da religion dat acceptable by AlLah or God.
Go strap a bomb to yourself. A bunch of crazies living in the stone age. Id watch a movie depicting your prophet as the sick child molestor, and military thug he was.. Just to piss you guys off. Mormons, Christians, and Jews have had controversial movies made about them, but at least they're civilized enough not to become violent bafoons infront of the international community.
Thank you. Well said. Civilized you are. In front of the international community these "muslims" make well known their hatred for all who do not believe as they do. Their beliefs are founded in ignorance and intolerance seems to be their only motivation for the acts of aggression which they are so well-known for carrying out.
Do you want to know how Muhammad became a "prophet?"
Muhammad was born of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca in the year 569 A.D. At age 25, Muhammad married Khadija, a wealthy Catholic widow who was 40 years old. She and her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, became his trusted advisors and helped push his new religion.
Muhammad began practicing meditation. He went into the cave Hira in the mountain Jabal al-Nour to meditate, but he was evidently not alone. A spirit seized him violently there. Muhammad feared the spirit was a devil and became suicidal, but his wife Khadija convinced him the spirit was the archangel Gabriel. The spirit that overtook him caused him seizures, headaches and convulsions. Muhammad began speaking (as if in a trance) the words of "Allah." But who (or what) was Allah?
Muhammad began preaching in 613 A.D. In 615 A.D. Muhammad was desperately hoping for an accommodation with his tribe, and in the hope of succeeding more readily, pronounced a verse acknowledging the existence of three Meccan "goddesses" considered to be the daughters of Allah, and appealed for their intercession. This was known as the Qissat al Gharaneeq, or "The Satanic Verses."
Unable to reconcile three extra goddesses with his declared monotheism, Muhammad later reversed himself, confessing, "I have fabricated things against Allah and have imputed to him words which he has not spoken."
When his wife Khadija died, he soon became financially destitute and was soon despised in Mecca. He fled to Medina in 622 A.D. and began raiding caravans, robbing and killing the merchants. During these raids, he kidnapped beautiful women and held them for ransom. He soon amassed a fortune.
He wrote the Koran, the "bible" of Islam. He denied that Jesus was crucified. In Sura 4.157 he wrote, "They (the Jews) say, 'We have killed the Messiah, Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam, the Rasool of Allah.' Whereas in fact, neither did they kill him nor did they crucify him but they thought they did because the matter was made dubious for them. Those who differ therein are in doubt. They have no real knowledge, they follow nothing but merely a conjecture, certainly, they did not kill him (Jesus)."
Jesus was NOT an apostle of Allah. Jesus is the Son of God.
Allah and his "angel" (probably a hallucination in the mind of a paranoid schizophrenic)changed Muhammad into a religious dictator. Two Catholic popes secretly financed Muhammad's military machine in exchange for Jerusalem. In 630 A.D., Muhammad invaded Mecca and cleared the Kaaba of its idols. One of the idols belonged to Muhammad's Quraysh Tribe. The idol's name was... Allah.
Muhammad's attempt to impose monotheism by keeping just Allah and ridding the other 359 Meccan idols faced resistance from Meccans who held the other idols very dear.
The pagan Arabs worshipped the moon-god Allah by praying toward Mecca several times a day, making a pilgrimage to Mecca, running around the temple of the Moon-god, kissing the black stone, killing an animal in sacrifice to the moon-god, etc.
Islam is nothing more than a revival of the ancient moon-god cult. It has taken the symbols, the rites, the ceremonies, and even the name of its god from the ancient pagan religion of the moon-god. As such, it is sheer idolatry and must be rejected.
Jesus Christ said in Matthew Chapter 7: Verses 15-17 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit."
While robbing a caravan one day, Muhammad tortured a wealthy man, forcing his beautiful wife, Safiya, to watch in horror while sitting in his lap. After learning where the wealthy man kept his money hidden, Muhammad killed him. Muhammad then took Safiya as his wife. He had 23 wives. One of his wives was named Aisha and Muhammad's marriage to her was consummated when she reached the age of 9.
Muhammad used hate, fear and death to create the Islamic Empire. Murder, plunder and rape of "unbelievers" became lawful. In 632 A.D. Muhammad fell ill and suffered for several days with a fever, head pain, and weakness. He died on Monday, June 8, 632 A.D., in Medina, at the age of 63. None of his prophecies have come true. How is it that he is called a prophet? Was he a "good tree" of which Jesus spoke? The evidence speaks for itself. Muhammad was a "corrupt tree which brings forth evil fruit."
"Allah" is nothing more than an idol, worshipped foolishly by Muhammad's Tribe, the Quraysh. The "angel" who spoke through Muhammad was nothing more than a demonic entity or a figment of a demented mind. Muhammad was not a peaceful religious leader; he was nothing more than a cowardly thief and murderer. Every attempt to establish Muhammad's prophetic career as divinely inspired has failed miserably. He cannot predict the future. He cannot provide a sign or miracle to substantiate his claim as a prophet
Do not be led astray by the false prophet Muhammad. Do not worship his false god Allah.
Worship the One True God. Serve His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Prepare for His Return.
Watch. Wait. Be Ready.
Many people say it's hard to be a Christian. Jesus made it easy. He said in Matthew 11: Verses 28-30, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Jesus said in Matthew Chapter 22, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
In other words, if you obey those two commandments, you can achieve salvation.
You who say you are follower of a prophet say that those who are followers of THE SON OF GOD "well go 2 da hell" should think about what you are saying. You are spouting hatred of your fellow man just because they don't believe as you do. If you really want to spread your version of salvation, you can "draw more flies with honey than with vinegar."
mohammad salawlahi wassalam sucks satan's cock in hell
You don't have the right to tell me that I will go to hell. YOU are not GOD. YOU do not even know GOD.
I am currently in the process of releasing a movie entitled, "Broke-Back Mohammad" in which your prophet is a gay camel-jockey in the desert. It's a low-budget homosexual "porno" flick in which the prophet moham mad is a homosexual out to recruit 72 young boys to suck his dong. After they suck his dong, they are instructed to commit suicide (which they do, because they are so naive and simple-minded.) They are just young boys and don't have the intelligence to make up their own minds about things of importance, so Moham-mad asks them to kill themselves (and innocent civilians around them) and of course, they do. Such idiots.
I knew that muslims feel this way, despite their protestations of believing of believing in Jesus, and then insulting him.
i see, in thiz world you are feeling free but not for ever. There will be a judgement day when you all shall be punshing by my Allah. And that time no one will recognize you that someone is an artist or director. Isha Allah my Allah shall hang you with fire rope. Then no one will help you. You shall request for death but not. You shall burn forever . Allah Akbar
You write as if you feel you are "Allah" himself. If "Allah" is to judge me, then let HIM judge me, not you. You are just another man... not God. As the SON OF GOD (Jesus Christ) said, "Judge not, lest ye be judged." So... I suppose Allah "shall hang YOU with fire rope. Then no one will help YOU. YOU shall request for death but not. YOU shall burn forever."
Allah cannot punish anybody, because Allah is nothing but a little statue, probably not even strong enough to break out the window of my car if you were to throw it. Allah is not a god; Allah is a worthless piece of rubbish. You are IGNORANT.
hahahaha whats your state at thiz world? Nothing,,,,, . You dont know your fathers name and cant account your mothers night frnds. But you are trying to disheart the Muslims? Imposible.
Actually, I do indeed know my Father's name. It's what Jesus revealed to us: Abba. Not Allah. Your flawed idea of God is a master-slave relationship; as a Christian, my relationship is between a loving Father and His adopted son.
hello friends nobody have right to talk about wrong about other religion,if so they are not a real and true follower of their religionship.....
You don't have the right to insult our prophet mohammad salawlahi wassalam, all of u who are follower of jesus christ well GO TO THE HELL because only ISLAM is da religion dat acceptable by AlLah or God.
Mohammad is not a prophet, because nothing he ever "prophesied" ever came true. He was just another highway robber and infidel. He is nothing more than a dog. Consider yourself SCHOOLED.
May ALLAH give right lesson to everyone to live a life. We are not judges to judge who goes to hell and we don't have any right to say such things to anyone.
Wait for the day of judgement and let Almighty decide whoever is to hell and whoever is to hevean.
No one knows at the time of death who dies with love of ALLAH & MUHAMMED(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and who dies with no kalimah.
Just pray to Almighty for all good..........................
Allah is a worthless piece of garbage. Allah is nothing more than a statue, useless and degrading to all who look upon it. If you worship Allah, you are ignorant, and I pity you. Mohammad was a false prophet, because nothing he ever "prophesied" came true. He was nothing more than a highway robber, a madman and a child molester.
Usa dog
Too funny! The Muslims here say that we don't have the right to speak ill of their pig-prophret and in the next breath tell us to 'go to hell".
Noni Darwish (ex -muslim) says the muslim God is "a God who hates". She's right.
When muslims stop murdering over their 'relgion' (cult) perhaps the world will stop loathing them.
In the meantime, WE DO LOATHE MUSLIMS.
Muslims are despicable! Muslims are uncivilized and should not be permitted in the Western world. Someday the liberals will wake the hell up and admit their folly for supporting their miserable cause!
Oo fucking u boy what r u saying we r cariminal u fucking loser my boy we r muslim and muslim is powerfull religion don't u fucking anderstand!
its only the war of words. But i want to realise to you that we muslims have the firm to wrath everyone in case of islam . Because our life is for Islam. We will die but never want to see insult of over holly religeon. Islam zindabad
I am currently in the process of releasing a movie entitled, "Broke-Back Moham-mad" in which your prophet is a gay camel-jockey in the desert. It's a low-budget homosexual "porno" flick in which the prophet moham mad is a homosexual out to recruit 72 young boys to suck his dong. After they suck his dong, they are instructed to commit suicide (which they do, because they are so naive and simple-minded.) They are just young boys and don't have the intelligence to make up their own minds about things of importance, so Moham-mad asks them to kill themselves (and innocent civilians around them) and of course, they do. Such idiots!!!
There is nothing HOLY about your so-called religion. Islam was founded by a homicidal highway robber, a maniac who wanted nothing more than fame for being a thief and liar. He was a psychopath, a mass murderer. Do your research, fool. You speak out of ignorance, because you were ignorant. Consider yourself SCHOOLED!!!
You know?that is insult of islam. we all muslim heart have are purnished very dengerous by Allah.
You are insult of my foot. We all big feet have kicks. you are purnished very dengerous by my foot up your ass, towel-head.
Hey you Umar. You and your prophet can give Satan Oral Sex. I will continue writing. Your promises are like your prophet... FALSE.
So, Umar, here I am again writing another comment about your False Prophet Mohomid. Somehow my hands managed to write again even though you and your precious "prophet" have such powers that you can make my hands so that I cannot write again... so you claim. You sir are a phallus and your prophet is a vagina.
Here I am once again writing "bad against prophet." You false prophet has no power to stop my hands from writing, and neither do you, Umar. You are a mangy dog and your prophet is the mangy dog who mounts you from behind to have sex with you.
I am currently in the process of releasing a movie entitled, "Broke-Back Moham-mad" in which your prophet is a gay camel-jockey in the desert. It's a low-budget homosexual "porno" flick in which the prophet moham mad is a homosexual out to recruit 72 young boys to suck his dong. After they suck his dong, they are instructed to commit suicide (which they do, because they are so naive and simple-minded.) They are just young boys and don't have the intelligence to make up their own minds about things of importance, so Moham-mad asks them to kill themselves (and innocent civilians around them) and of course, they do. Such idiots!!!
Hey, Umar, did you kill yourself? Gee, that would be nice. I hope you are dead. There are a lot of people here who are very pleased if you are truly dead. Please tell me that you are dead. Haha. Maybe "ALLAH" can tell me that you are dead. Oh, never mind. I forgot. "ALLAH" can't talk because he isn't real.
Umar, this is Gerald again writing that your prophet was a homosexual and a pedophile. He liked to suck little tiny penises. If you were alive when he was alive (he's dead now and the desert maggots ate all his flesh) you would know that he liked to suck little boys penises... because you have a penis like a little boy. He would like to suck your small penis, Umar. You would suck his penis, too... because you often bow down to him anyway. You would just go ahead and suck his penis while you are bowed down to him. Your prophet is a queer who now sucks Satan's penis in hell. How about that, you piece of shit?
Ok... Umar, you son of a mangy camel, HERE I AM AGAIN WRITING. My hands somehow are still writing. Seems YOU ARE A FALSE PROPHET TOO!!! Also, let me tell you fool... you cannot serve JESUS and a false prophet at the same time. Mohammad is a false prophet. Nothing he ever "prophesied" came true. On the other hand, JESUS is the SON of GOD. He died and came back to life on the third day, and now he is building a city (The New Jerusalem) which will soon come down and your mosque will be destroyed. DESTROYED. Don't be ignorant. Do your research. Mohammad is a false prophet, a highway robber, and "allah" is nothing more than a worthless statue, an idol. You would be a fool to worship such a useless piece of garbage.
All those people who r enemies of Islam plz wait and be alert to get punishment by Allah. Sandy storm is the biggest example for Americans so plz stop ur harsh words for Islam. Allah is observing all acts of all enemies of Islam, that day is not so far when all will be capture. I can just suggest to all people plz stop such these harsh words for each other because this is not good manner.
Mohammed Navid, you sir, are an idiot. "Sandy Storm" is something you invented to make yourself look important. You sir, are an unimportant, uninteresting idiot. Who is this allah person with whom you seem to have such a close personal relationship? You know that this person is "observing all acts?" So, in other words, this person is a stalker? Is this allah person your mother? Bring your mother here and I'll stick my "foot" in her mouth.
"Allah" is observing... nothing... because Allah is nothing more than a worthless statue, worshipped by the infidels of ancient Mecca. Allah is just an idol. Allah is NOT a god. Allah is a piece of trash. You would be a fool to worship a statue. Are you foolish enough to worship such garbage? Mohammad is a FALSE PROPHET. Nothing he ever "prophesied" came to pass. He was nothing more than a highway robber and child molester. He was a psychotic mass murderer. JESUS CHRIST, on the other hand, is the SON of THE ONE TRUE GOD. Worship HIM and you will not regret. Worship the worthless idol allah, and you will simply continue on living the life of an ignorant heathen until you die and then... you will be judged for it.
Islam is a peaceful religion and islam teaches us to obey rules of Allah and Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Islam teaches us to serve all humanity without any cost, Islam teaches us help to needy people, Islam teaches us to provide all positives and legal facilities to all poor people, Islam teaches us to respect to all humanity, Islam teaches us to spread love in this world. Islam always disallow to spread bad views, Islam disallow for all bad thinking or bad acts which r not good for all humanities. There are only bad people who r showing to their selves as Muslims, infect they r not muslims they r terrorists and agents of bad people like bad agencies, we don't know who r those people but we know only those r enemies of Islam, they want to destroy to Islam, They want to degrade to Islam, they r not only destroying to islam but also destroying to peace of World. They want to fight to all religions now this is our responsibilities to recognise those people and inform to ur nearest Police Head quarter to capture . Islam Zinda Baad, Islam is friend of all religions.
You seem like a very nice friendly person and I like you. I agree that there are a lot of muslims who are destroying Islam. I must say, though, that Christianity cannot be destroyed. Christ is the only begotten Son of God, he died and rose to live again on the third day, then he ascended to heaven where he is building a place for us to live eternally. I don't understand it, but HE understands the ability to live eternally. I don't even understand rocket science (which would baffle anyone a couple of hundred years ago) but Jesus and His Father have mastered the art of living forever. Soon we will see him. ALL eyes will see him. Followers of Allah will be afraid, because only those who have accepted Christ as the Son Of The One True God will be accepted into the City Of New Jerusalem. Sorry 'bout your luck, but the dome of the rock will be destroyed when the City Of New Jerusalem comes down from above.
hy! Gerald. What do you think about your self?I tell, You are only and only a man. Made with the bloody drop of blood. What can you do. Nothing at all. But only chat. If you want to see our faith and firm for islam see your country. Great storm, fire , and many other things is only due to your bad openions. Hahahaha you are guilty thats why you all are in the trouble.its true. Cent per cent you are the cause of destruction. So it should be better for you pray for yourself in front of My Allah.
What do you think about yourself, boy? You are not a man, just a boy. Made with shit and piss. You can do nothing but rant and rave like a lunatic. You have no faith. Islam is nothing. NOTHING. YOU are a nothing. You are the cause of your own destruction. Your allah is nothing. You pray to nothing. Nothing you do is worthwhile. You are a waste of flesh. You waste my air. You should not even be alive. You should kill yourself. Your opinion is useless. YOU are useless to everyone. You should die. Eat poison and go to sleep. Perhaps take some pills and... go to sleep forever. Perhaps "ala" will save you? Haha. Yea, right!!! There is no hope for you. Die, bitch. I have always been, am now, and always shall be... better than you, for you are nothing.
I am currently in the process of releasing a movie entitled, "Broke-Back Moham-mad" in which your prophet is a gay camel-jockey in the desert. It's a low-budget homosexual "porno" flick in which the prophet moham mad is a homosexual out to recruit 72 young boys to suck his dong. After they suck his dong, they are instructed to commit suicide (which they do, because they are so naive and simple-minded.) They are just young boys and don't have the intelligence to make up their own minds about things of importance, so Moham-mad asks them to kill themselves (and innocent civilians around them) and of course, they do. Such idiots!!!
Fuck U All You idiots dont 4now what u r doing U all r going 2 hell
Judge not, lest ye be judged, fool.
Dear Umar! InshaAllah wo din door nahi jis din hum in logon ko jahanam main girty huye daikhen gy. Tab in sy pochen gy k kon ha jo in jaison ko aur zyada dheel daita ha ? Burai ka rasta dikhya ni jata bt asan hota ha. So hum ko in ehmaq aur bewqoof logon sy baat karny ki zrozrt ni. Allah humen taqat dy aur hum in ko barbad kar den.
Learn English, bitch.
i know greedy dog . You cant understand this language.
Your mother can't speak ANY language with my cock in her mouth. YOU can't speak ANY language if I knock out all your teeth and cut out your tongue, you ugly bastard. Keep pretending to be bilingual when, in fact, you are only bisexual. Sucked your daddy's dick when you were a child, didn't you, Boy! Keep pretending to be somebody when in reality, you're just another cock sucker looking for an excuse to show your ignorance. You're a damn fool.
See if you can understand what this means: Fuck you, you stupid son-of-a-bitch. Fuck you and any arab mother-fucker who doesn't like the fact that America RULES. You ain't shit. As soon as you realize that, the world will be a better place to live. YOU AIN'T SHIT! Stupid camel-fucking piece of shit. People like you fuck your mothers and steal your father's camels.
Fuck you and your so-called "language." Nobody I know wants to hear or read that bullshit, prick. Moazzam Waheed? What kind of name is that? Sounds like a name for a homosexual. You a homosexual, boy? I think I'll make you look like a dog, boy. If I ever see your face, I think I'll cut your mouth at each corner so you can "smile like a dog." Sound like a deal? Look forward to it. Best thing you can do is go off into the desert with a pistol, put the barrel in your mouth and fire upward into your skull. That would be so much fun... so... go play with your pistol, boy. Do as I say, now. Suck on that pistol like you suck on those dicks in your village. Squeeze the trigger like you squeeze all those balls while you suck cock. Kill yourself, Moazzam Waheed. Kill yourself, Moazzam Waheed. Kill yourself, Moazzam Waheed. Kill yourself, Moazzam Waheed. Kill yourself, Moazzam Waheed. Kill yourself, Moazzam Waheed. Kill yourself, Moazzam Waheed. Kill yourself, Moazzam Waheed. Kill yourself, Moazzam Waheed. Kill yourself, Moazzam Waheed. Kill yourself, Moazzam Waheed. Kill yourself, Moazzam Waheed.
hey teresa! I know you always fuck your sister. I will also fuck her for cash. She will not be able to speak when when my cock will fill her mouth with white gum. Haha haha haha . Then you will enjoy at her payment. You know we can also abuse you as given above but we dont want to be dirty . As you are . Hahahahahahahaha
This is nothing but Jibberish. It means nothing. It is ignorance. Foolishness. Babblings of a fool. Moazzam Waheed, you are a PINCHE JOTO.
Moazzam Waheed, you are a PINCHE JOTO. I realize you are ignorant and do not know what that means. It means you are a fucking faggot. Your mother sucks penis on the corner for pennies. Your father is a crippled billy-goat. Your sister is a cheap whore and your brothers take it up the ass because they are afraid of the other boys. Your prophet muhomid rots in the ground and is worthless to anyone. Your prophet is dead and is no prophet at all, just another homosexual who tried to make a name for himself by writing a book. Your prophet hallucinated. He was a paranoid schizophrenic, as are most arabs of today. His writings are the simplistic rants of a madman, bent on world destruction. He was just another queer trying to get guys like you to follow him to hell. So... go kill yourself, Moazzam Waheed. Go KILL YOURSELF and make the world a better place in the process.
I am currently in the process of releasing a movie entitled, "Broke-Back Moham-mad" in which your prophet is a gay camel-jockey in the desert. It's a low-budget homosexual "porno" flick in which the prophet moham-mad is a homosexual out to recruit 72 young boys to suck his dong. After they suck his dong, they are instructed to commit suicide (which they do, because they are so naive and simple-minded.) They are just young boys and don't have the intelligence to make up their own minds about things of importance, so Moham-mad asks them to kill themselves (and innocent civilians around them) and of course, they do. Such idiots!!! Remind you of anyone? Go kill yourself, boy. Go kill yourself, Mazzam Waheed. Kill yourself immediately. Your prophet Moham-mad the homosexual demands it!!!
Hahahahah! you british son of pig. You dont know your end . There will be a day when i will ask you about you x openion. Then you will weep and cry for forgivness but nothing at all. Allah will punish you and your mothers who birth pigs. I know your reality. You fuck your sisters at bedroom. Your dad fucks your sisters.
You ignorant son of a bitch, I'll whip your ass first time I get a chance. Also, you son of an inbred billy-goat, you are mistaken in assuming I'm British. I live in KENTUCKY, boy!!! I can stand and fight you barehanded from the time the rooster crows in the morning until you hear the crickets at twilight. Then, I'll throw that last punch... you know, the one that breaks your jaw. So let me tell you boy, you're NOTHING.
can you fight lazy dog? If yes then you have to kick first at your mother ass hole. Becauase your mother is guilty who birth a pig. You idiot son of donkey.
Yes I can "fight lazy dog..." that would be you, right? Because you are a lazy dog. My mother did not give birth to you, pig. You are a pig? I thought you were a lazy dog. You are NOT my father, you donkey. I wish you would make up your little mind. First you are a lazy dog, then you are a pig, then a donkey? You ARE a retard... and your mother is an asshole.
Your prophet Mohammed came to me in a dream a few nights ago and sucked my cock.
dog dog americka dog..the people against islam will be punished one day,.ya ali madad a.s
Der falshe Profhet Mahomet
Do you want to know how Muhammad became a "prophet?" At age 25, Muhammad married Khadija, a wealthy Catholic widow who was 40 years old. She and her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, became his trusted advisors and helped push his new religion. Muhammad went into a cave to meditate, but he was not alone. A spirit took physical form and seized him violently. This happened three times. Muhammad feared the spirit was a devil, but his wife Khadija convinced him it was the archangel Gabriel. She was the guiding force in his life. The spirit that overtook him caused him seizures, headaches and convulsions. The spirit caused Muhammad to speak the words of "Allah." The name Allah is never used in the Christian Bible. The name came from Muhammad's tribe, the Quraysh Tribe. Two Catholic popes secretly financed Muhammad's military machine in exchange for Jerusalem. In 630 A.D., Muhammad invaded Mecca and cleared the Kaaba of idols. One of the idols belonged to Muhammad's Quraysh Tribe. The idol's name was... Allah. "Allah" and his "angel" changed Muhammad into a religious dictator. When his wife Khadija died, he was broke and despised in Mecca. He fled to Medina and soon began raiding caravans, robbing and killing the merchants. During these raids, he kidnapped beautiful women and held them for ransom. He soon amassed a fortune. While robbing one caravan, Muhammad tortured a wealthy man, forcing his beautiful wife, Safiya, to watch in horror while sitting in his lap. After learning where the wealthy man kept his money hidden, Muhammad killed him. Muhammad then took Safiya as his wife. He had 23 wives. Murder, plunder and rape of "unbelievers" became lawful. Muhammad used hate, fear and death to create the Islamic Empire. "Allah" is nothing more than an idol, worshipped foolishly by Muhammad's Tribe, the Quraysh. The "Angel" who spoke through Muhammad was nothing more than a demonic entity. Muhammad was not a peaceful religious leader, but nothing more than a cowardly thief and murderer. Do not be led astray by the false prophet Muhammad. Do not worship his false god Allah. Serve the One True God. Serve His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Prepare for His Return. Watch. Wait. Be Ready. Thank you for your time and consideration. Abraham
Hey, Naqvi, how about you go and fuck your camel, ya worthless piece of dung. And say that shit to my face, bitch, and I'll kick your fucking ass all the way back to the desert cave your faggot ass crawled out of.
"I know your reality?" Let me explain REALITY to you, Mr. Waheed. Reality is when someone like you is mixed-up in their head and someone else tells them to strap dynamite to their body and kill themselves just so that some other people can die in the process. That's reality. It happens every day because people like you are sheep led to slaughter. Go kill yourself, Moazzam. No, stop!!! I just thought that maybe you were heading out to get your pistol to commit suicide just because I told you to. REALITY is that your type is so easily led that you're killing yourselves every day. Are your people mentally deficient or are you just stupid?
i dont know what are you saying. Because i cant understand thiz language. So write in my language so that you can prove your words damn! You bausted go to the hell.
I'm sure you have a hard time understanding any language. "You bausted go to the hell?" Man, you ARE retarded. I'm getting ready to come over there and kick your ass so hard. So hard. Your mother is a whore and your father sucks penises. Your brothers fuck each other up the asshole and your sisters suck your brother's shitty dicks. Your whole family lick goat's asses.
Your prophet Mohammed came to me in a dream last night and sucked my penis.
Let me tell you something, boy. You said, "hey teresa! I know you always fuck your sister. I will also fuck her for cash. She will not be able to speak when when my cock will fill her mouth with white gum. Haha haha haha . Then you will enjoy at her payment. You know we can also abuse you as given above but we dont want to be dirty ."
Now, let me tell you first and foremost... my sister is not a whore like your mother and your sisters. I understand that you are well aquainted with the practice of paying for your sex, but around here, we don't do that. In Nevada, it is legal to pay a prostitute, but I will never go to Nevada... or where you live. YOU pay for sex whenever you can earn enough money to pay for a whore, right? So, do you pay your mother for sex once or twice per year? I understand she is a cheap whore, so your meager salary should hire her at least twice per year.
Secondly, you would NEVER be able to "abuse" me "as given above" because I am well trained in the martial arts and I would... kill you. Period.
Hey, Moazzam. Fuck your language. It is the language of inbreds. It is the language of idiots. It is the language of mangy dogs who have sand lice and fleas. You have sand lice and fleas, yes? You are a bastard dog, yes? You will "go to the hell." Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus Christ is alive and will return to earth with many "chariots" (some have seen some of these "chariots" that the Bible speak about and refer to them as UFO's.) Your prophet Muhammad is just another skeleton in the ground. When Muhammad was alive, he was about as useless to society as you are. Did you know Muhammad was a homosexual? I bet you didn't know that, did you? Did you know that his fantasy in life was to have 72 young boys (virgins) spew their first orgasmic fluids into his mouth? Is that your fantasy also? I'm sure it is. You are a homosexual, Moazzam.
Fuck you and your language, you stupid son of a bitch.
Your mother is a prostitute and your father is the inbred bastard son of a billy goat.
Moazzam, your prophet Muhammad appeared to me in a dream a few nights ago. He was surrounded in a bright red light. He was very angry when I explained to him that I am a woman. He told me that he did not like looking at women. He said that because my face was uncovered he thought me to be a man. I said, "I am not a man, who are you?" He said, "I'm Muhammad. I like to suck penis. If you are a woman, cover up your face. I hate looking at women. I only like looking at other men... and sucking their penis."
Der falshe Profhet Mahomet
Do you want to know how Muhammad became a "prophet?" At age 25, Muhammad married Khadija, a wealthy Catholic widow who was 40 years old. She and her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, became his trusted advisors and helped push his new religion. Muhammad went into a cave to meditate, but he was not alone. A spirit took physical form and seized him violently. This happened three times. Muhammad feared the spirit was a devil, but his wife Khadija convinced him it was the archangel Gabriel. She was the guiding force in his life. The spirit that overtook him caused him seizures, headaches and convulsions. The spirit caused Muhammad to speak the words of "Allah." The name Allah is never used in the Christian Bible. The name came from Muhammad's tribe, the Quraysh Tribe. Two Catholic popes secretly financed Muhammad's military machine in exchange for Jerusalem. In 630 A.D., Muhammad invaded Mecca and cleared the Kaaba of idols. One of the idols belonged to Muhammad's Quraysh Tribe. The idol's name was... Allah. "Allah" and his "angel" changed Muhammad into a religious dictator. When his wife Khadija died, he was broke and despised in Mecca. He fled to Medina and soon began raiding caravans, robbing and killing the merchants. During these raids, he kidnapped beautiful women and held them for ransom. He soon amassed a fortune. While robbing one caravan, Muhammad tortured a wealthy man, forcing his beautiful wife, Safiya, to watch in horror while sitting in his lap. After learning where the wealthy man kept his money hidden, Muhammad killed him. Muhammad then took Safiya as his wife. He had 23 wives. Murder, plunder and rape of "unbelievers" became lawful. Muhammad used hate, fear and death to create the Islamic Empire. "Allah" is nothing more than an idol, worshipped foolishly by Muhammad's Tribe, the Quraysh. The "Angel" who spoke through Muhammad was nothing more than a demonic entity. Muhammad was not a peaceful religious leader, but nothing more than a cowardly thief and murderer. Do not be led astray by the false prophet Muhammad. Do not worship his false god Allah. Serve the One True God. Serve His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Prepare for His Return. Watch. Wait. Be Ready. Thank you for your time and consideration. Abraham
Do you want to know how Muhammad became a "prophet?" At age 25, Muhammad married Khadija, a wealthy Catholic widow who was 40 years old. She and her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, became his trusted advisors and helped push his new religion.
Muhammad began practicing meditation. He went into a cave to meditate, but he was not alone. A spirit took physical form and seized him violently. This happened three times. Muhammad feared the spirit was a devil, but his wife Khadija convinced him it was the archangel Gabriel. The spirit that overtook him caused him seizures, headaches and convulsions. The spirit caused Muhammad to speak the words of "Allah." Allah and his "angel" changed Muhammad into a religious dictator.
Two Catholic popes secretly financed Muhammad's military machine in exchange for Jerusalem. In 630 A.D., Muhammad invaded Mecca and cleared the Kaaba of idols. One of the idols belonged to Muhammad's Quraysh Tribe. The idol's name was... Allah.
When his wife Khadija died, he soon became financially destitute and was soon despised in Mecca. He fled to Medina and began raiding caravans, robbing and killing the merchants. During these raids, he kidnapped beautiful women and held them for ransom. He soon amassed a fortune.
While robbing one caravan, Muhammad tortured a wealthy man, forcing his beautiful wife, Safiya, to watch in horror while sitting in his lap. After learning where the wealthy man kept his money hidden, Muhammad killed him. Muhammad then took Safiya as his wife. He had 23 wives.
Murder, plunder and rape of "unbelievers" became lawful. Muhammad used hate, fear and death to create the Islamic Empire.
"Allah" is nothing more than an idol, worshipped foolishly by Muhammad's Tribe, the Quraysh. The "Angel" who spoke through Muhammad was nothing more than a demonic entity. Muhammad was not a peaceful religious leader, but nothing more than a cowardly thief and murderer.
Do not be led astray by the false prophet Muhammad. Do not worship his false god Allah. Worship the One True God. Serve His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Prepare for His Return. Watch. Wait. Be Ready. Thank you for your time and consideration. David
Do you want to know how Muhammad became a "prophet?"
Muhammad was born of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca in the year 569 A.D. At age 25, Muhammad married Khadija, a wealthy Catholic widow who was 40 years old. She and her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, became his trusted advisors and helped push his new religion.
Muhammad began practicing meditation. He went into the cave Hira in the mountain Jabal al-Nour to meditate, but he was not alone. A spirit took physical form and seized him violently. This happened three times. Muhammad feared the spirit was a devil and became suicidal, but his wife Khadija convinced him the spirit was the archangel Gabriel. The spirit that overtook him caused him seizures, headaches and convulsions. The spirit caused Muhammad to speak the words of "Allah." But who (or what) was Allah?
Muhammad began preaching in 613 A.D. In 615 A.D. Muhammad was desperately hoping for an accommodation with his tribe, and in the hope of succeeding more readily, pronounced a verse acknowledging the existence of three Meccan "goddesses" considered to be the daughters of Allah, and appealed for their intercession. This is known as the Qissat al Gharaneeq, or The Satanic Verses.
When his wife Khadija died, he soon became financially destitute and was soon despised in Mecca. He fled to Medina in 622 A.D. and began raiding caravans, robbing and killing the merchants. During these raids, he kidnapped beautiful women and held them for ransom. He soon amassed a fortune.
Allah and his "angel" changed Muhammad into a religious dictator. Two Catholic popes secretly financed Muhammad's military machine in exchange for Jerusalem. In 630 A.D., Muhammad invaded Mecca and cleared the Kaaba of idols. One of the idols belonged to Muhammad's Quraysh Tribe. The idol's name was... Allah.
While robbing a caravan, Muhammad tortured a wealthy man, forcing his beautiful wife, Safiya, to watch in horror while sitting in his lap. After learning where the wealthy man kept his money hidden, Muhammad killed him. Muhammad then took Safiya as his wife. He had 23 wives.
Murder, plunder and rape of "unbelievers" became lawful. Muhammad used hate, fear and death to create the Islamic Empire. In 632 A.D. Muhammad fell ill and suffered for several days with a fever, head pain, and weakness. He died on Monday, June 8, 632 A.D., in Medina, at the age of 63.
"Allah" is nothing more than an idol, worshipped foolishly by Muhammad's Tribe, the Quraysh. The "angel" who spoke through Muhammad was nothing more than a demonic entity. Muhammad was not a peaceful religious leader; he was nothing more than a cowardly thief and murderer.
Do not be led astray by the false prophet Muhammad. Do not worship his false god Allah. Worship the One True God. Serve His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Prepare for His Return. Watch. Wait. Be Ready.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
to araham issac and other such morons FUCK OFFFFFFFFFFf
To Firestorm... Suck a Dick!!!!!!!!! You are a big fat Fag.
Firestorm, you are an idiot.
YOU are the moron, you idiot! Your mother had sex with a pig and you are the result of that relationship. Your father is a pig and your mother is a whore.
Muhammad appeared to me in a dream a few nights ago. He was surrounded in a bright red light. He was very angry when I explained to him that I am a woman. He told me that he did not like looking at women. He said that because my face was uncovered he thought me to be a man. I said, "I am not a man, who are you?" He said, "I'm Muhammad. I like to suck penis. If you are a woman, cover up your face. I hate looking at women. I only like looking at other men... and sucking their penis."
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