Oscar Index: Hurricane Meryl Makes Landfall; Artist, Hugo Surge Toward Top


The Leading 5:

1. Octavia Spencer, The Help

2. Bérénice Bejo, The Artist

3. Vanessa Redgrave, Coriolanus

4. Shailene Woodley, The Descendants

5. Janet McTeer, Albert Nobbs

Outsiders: Sandra Bullock, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close; Jessica Chastain, The Help; Jessica Chastain, Take Shelter; Jessica Chastain, The Tree of Life; Melissa McCarthy, Bridesmaids; Keira Knightley, A Dangerous Method; Judy Greer, The Descendants; Mia Wasikowska, Albert Nobbs; Emily Watson, War Horse; Marion Cotillard, Midnight in Paris

Bejo got the Artist bump, and Woodley holds fast in territory that you just know Bullock and Chastain are coveting. I haven't seen any evidence to suggest they might inherit it, though expect the NYFCC to take care of that next week with a Chastain love-in.


The Leading 5:

1. Christopher Plummer, Beginners

2. Max von Sydow, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

3. Kenneth Branagh, My Week With Marilyn

4. Albert Brooks, Drive

5. Jonah Hill, Moneyball

Outsiders: Nick Nolte, Warrior; Kevin Spacey, Margin Call; Patton Oswalt, Young Adult; Stanley Tucci, Margin Call; Jeremy Irons, Margin Call; Armie Hammer J. Edgar; Corey Stoll, Midnight in Paris; Jim Broadbent, The Iron Lady; Viggo Mortensen, A Dangerous Method; John C. Reilly, Carnage; Philip Seymour Hoffman, Moneyball; Tom Hanks, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Spacey, Tucci and Irons lead the Margin Call actors' contingent into contention, and I don't doubt at least one of them can break through -- probably Spacey, if only because he plays the only purely sympathetic guy of the bunch, though actors' actor (and only one-time nominee) Tucci could sneak in as well. Might this category finally attain some signs of life? Developing...

Read all of this year's Oscar Index columns here.

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  • AS says:

    Glad to see Fassbender climbing the list. Would like to see The Artist & War Horse drop out completely.

  • Mark says:

    Meryl gives her best performance since Sophie's choice and sets the bar for excellence in acting with this turn. The Oscar should go to her in a walk - BP or no BP nominee..

  • Julie says:

    I think Viola Davis is not enough for a Leading category, she can win for supporting but not for a Lead. Meryl Streep is going to win for The Iron Lady in my opinion.