Spider-Man's Rhys Ifans's Lizard Voice Sounds Like a Screamo Gollum on Steroids
When Rhys Ifans crosses paths with Peter Parker & Co. as the villain The Lizard in the upcoming Spider-Man reboot, his performance will partially be obscured by CG accoutrements. But one element of the baddie should be a little more recognizable, even after, as Ifans suggests, audio effects will be employed to make him sound even more otherworldly. Not that he needed much help terrifying intrepid MTV reporter Josh Horowitz, as he did when he unleashed a voice akin to Gollum on steroids. Watch and listen for yourself after the jump.
Pretty intimidating -- I bet Ifans could front his own screamo-metal band -- even if the mental image of Ifans in a green leotard isn't quite so frightening. But you decide: does this seem like the kind of Lizard you're hoping to see, Spidey fans?
[via MTV]