Roman Polanski to Tell His Side of the Story in New Documentary

Adding another layer of intrigue to the saga of Oscar-winning director Roman Polanski and his notorious 1977 criminal case, previously documented in 2008's Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired, is a new documentary featuring testimonial from Polanski himself. Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir was helmed by showbiz documentarian Laurent Bouzereau and was revealed to be the secret screening set to follow the director's lifetime achievement award ceremony Tuesday at the Zurich Film Festival. Two years ago, Polanski was arrested while en route to the fest. Expect he'll make it through unscathed this time around? [THR]


  • KevyB says:

    Who the eff are you talking to?
    As for Polanski, I'm sure his side will be, "She wanted to be drugged and raped! That's the way teen girls were back in the 70s!"

  • Chaim Paddaman says:

    Roman Polanski rape apologist Jean Melkovsky writes in the Los Angeles Times. " All the existing documents emphazise: " Outstanding maturity and sexual experience of Polanski rape victim. He is not a peadophile. The offence occured as a isolated instance of transient poor judgement. Melkovsky blames the the physical maturity and willingness of the victim. Peadophiles argue that their victims asked for it, and got it.
    It is common knowledge that if a child presents with promiscuous and provocative behavior, the minor shall be classified as a vulnerable child, thus placed on a register for vulnerable children , and protected under statutory laws. Polanski took advantage of such a child. it is amazing how liberals tend to ignore the ethics of statutory law when it suits them. Roman Polanski is not a great man, he is a very sick man. Jean Melkovsky can smear the victim as much as he/she likes . It won't wash.............................