VIDEO: Here's One Second of Hunger Games Footage
· It's come to this: on Sunday, MTV will air a special first look preview of The Hunger Games, and today the network has released a preview of that preview. Want to see Jennifer Lawrence in the highly anticipated release? Don't blink and click through to watch. Your Thursday Buzz Break is here.
[via MTV]
· Hilary Duff has officially been dropped from The Story of Bonnie and Clyde. If the producers are looking for some suggestions to replace her, Movieline has a few. [THR]
· Here's a possibly spoiler-y picture from the set of The Avengers. Or maybe not. [Superhero Hype]
· According to Drive director Nicolas Winding Refn, real hero Ryan Gosling may be working with Terrence Malick on a new film. Dude is everywhere. [Film School Rejects]
· The always great SplitSider looks at the lost roles of Paul Rudd. Did you know he almost starred in Funny People? [SplitSider]