Let's Hear Your #FoodMovies!
Twitter is at it again with a special movie-related meme. This time it's #foodmovies, or film titles made snackable through food puns and wordplay. Can you topple the list of five best #foodmovies we found on Twitter? We added our own to make the challenge even more difficult.
I have to say, Twitter is having an abysmal showing. Here are your top five tweets to beat.
5. @ignitionint: The Lamb Shank Redemption
4. @thehpsecrets: Harry Potter and the Order of the Pizzas
3. @glamkabob: Waiter for Elephants
2. @ceranaded: Neapolitan Dynamite
1. @lousvirtel: Little Children
Yes, I've come in at No. 1 on my own list. I can't believe it either. Other choices left untweeted:
· Werther's Original Kings of Comedy
· The Chicken Who Would Be A La King
· The Twilight Calzone
· Rise of the Planet of the Hollywood
Yours? Please defeat me.
Kool Aid Hand Luke
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's for Cocoa Puffs
Every Sandwich Way But Loose
Lars von Trier's _Antipasto_
_All About My Mozzarella_
_Requiem for a Bean_
_There Will Be Food_
_To Kill, Stuff and Eat A Mockingbird_
The Potatoes have Eyes
T.G.I.Friday's the 13th
I Scream 4 Ice Cream!
Carrie OUT.
A Falafel of Dollars
The King's Peach.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Scone
Pie Kids: All the Key-Lime in the World
Twilight: New Moonpies
Ava-tartar sauce
Slum -chilidog millionare
Casino Royale with Cheese
Toast Rider
Green eggs and ham latern
Rasberry sucker punch
The silence of the leg of lambs
The Hamover
The French fries connection