Will Smith Courted for Ride on Fantastic Voyage

willsmith-120.jpgSince Hugh ain't got no car, it appears director Shawn Levy has the next best actor in mind to lead his remake of the silly 1966 sci-fi film Fantastic Voyage: Will Smith. THR reports that Levy will only make the film if an A-list talent is attached, and he's set up a meeting with Smith to gauge interest. If Smith isn't a fit, Levy will possibly bail on Voyage altogether. Fingers crossed this happens, if only for the inevitable Smith remake of Coolio's "Fantastic Voyage" for the soundtrack. If you can't take the heat, get yo' ass out the kitchen. [THR]


  • casting couch says:

    Innerspace was the best remake so far. Remakes aside, it'd be great to see some modern CG used for something like this, though. And a good script. "Now tha's what I'm talkin' 'bout!"