Check Out the New Coriolanus Poster: Ralph Fiennes and Gerard Butler Square Off

I'm always nervous for adaptations of less-appreciated Shakespearean works. If you're going to mount, say, Titus Andronicus, you have to find a way to make the violence meaningful. If you're heading up a Tempest reboot, you have to deal with the extraneous fourth act elegantly. And if you're reworking Coriolanus, you have to -- well -- find a way to make it interesting. Luckily, Ralph Fiennes is summoning his Amon Goeth fury in the poster for the new Weinstein adaptation, and Gerard Butler looks tough as his adversary. Excited?


This is also Fiennes's directorial debut. You can tell he's dead serious about the integrity of the picture judging by his facial grimness and the direct Shakespearean quotation he uses as a tagline. Maybe he's fooling us and it's just a three-hour staring contest between the two lead actors. Could be just as harrowing, frankly.

[via THR]