Jennifer Lopez Officially Joins Cameron Diaz in What to Expect When You're Expecting

JenniferLopez150.jpgWhen rumor becomes fact: Lionsgate has announced that Jennifer Lopez will join Cameron Diaz in the studio's big screen adaptation of the nonfiction pregnancy guide What to Expect When You're Expecting. Lopez is set to play "a woman who adopts a baby from abroad with her husband after difficulty conceiving." This is a bold casting choice considering how well Lopez's last conception-related project The Back-up Plan fared at the box office. Regardless, look for this one to hit theaters Mother's Day weekend next year. [Deadline]


  • Smh says:

    Only because Jlo is in the public eye this year doesn't mean people will buy her stuff. Her last movie The BackUp Plan flopped miserably despite Tons of Promo and her lastest album Love? is selling poorly in the US and not so great internatinally (except for On the Floor which will fade out eventually). I don't know what the movie execs were thinking because Jlo is way overrated and doesn't pull big numbers anymore. Plus, her acting has definitely taken a plunge downhill. Plus, Jlo in a supporting role...? (Cameron has lead) wow how the tables has turned? Lol Because Jlo once said Cameron is a model who got lucky. I prefer Cameron over Jlo and her lastest movie BadTeacher looks pretty hilarious!