Bill Murray Is Confirmed to Play F.D.R., Have an Affair With His Cousin in Hyde on Hudson

BillMurray150.jpgA month after reports first surfaced that Bill Murray would play Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Hyde on Hudson, Focus Features has now confirmed the casting. The romantic drama -- from Notting Hill director Roger Michell -- will take place entirely in one weekend when King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visit the President's upstate home and F.D.R.'s intimate relationship with a distant cousin Daisy comes to light. Focus will present the project to buyers at Cannes next week. [Variety]


  • Vince says:

    What kind of casting is this?
    FDR didn't have pock marks, plus he was a much bigger man then Bill.
    How stupid.

  • j'accuse! says:

    Nobody my age knows what FDR looked like dude. You could cast one of the Twilight peeps as FDR and we wouldn't know the difference. "Oh, cool, I didn't know a president could be so sexy and brooding," we'd say.

  • Huffy says:

    Then who do you propose? You can complain about every little detail but when it comes down to it you're never going to manage to cast someone who looks exactly like a historical figure. So which would you cast: someone who more closely resembles FDR and probably doesn't give as good a performance or one of the best living actors in Bill Murray?

  • Vince says:

    This is miscasting of the highest order period and what do you mean no one knows what FDR looked like?
    Bill is NOT that good an actor.