Let's Hear Your #UnnecessarySequels!
Sometimes Twitter flares up with a fun meme. One of them, #unnecessarysequels, is a Movieline favorite since it requires Tweeters to employ cinematic knowledge and wit. You can play it silly with Sophie's Choice 2: Electric Boogaloo or go conversational with I Recommend Taking the Tunnel Under the River Kwai. I have a sneaking suspicion that Movieline readers are funnier than most Twitter fiends, so here's your chance to contribute your most ribtickling sequels. Can you beat the ten best that we found and listed after the jump?
10. @BBack4Coco: Cheaper by the Bakers Dozen
9. @mikeyjenkins: The King's Question & Answer Period
8. @MichaelNewbury The Decline of Miss Jean Brodie
7. @clynque: The Way We Were When We Were the Way We Were #unnecessarysequels
6. @Eden_Brower: The Bourne Fiscal Responsibility.
5. @louispeitzman: Children of Men 2: All Growed Up
4. @toddlevin: 12 Angry Men and a Little Girl
3. @MichaelKoman: Betterfellas
2. @InfiniteChicken: How Green Is My Valley II: Pretty Goddamned Green #unnecessarysequels
1. @louisvirtel: Jumanji Loves Chachi
Yes, I am #1. I AM NUMBER ONE. It's just a fact! Until you beat me, that is!
Oh, BIG yes to Pushing Up Daisies.
A Streetcar Named Marlon Brando?
Kramer vs. The Laugh Factory
More People vs. Larry Flynt
Lucky Number Sleight
The Others 2: The Other Guys
Heaven Can Wait A Little Bit Longer
The Bourne Again
A Second Mortgage on The Home at the End of the World
Caught Me, Turns Out You Could
Empire Downloads
Comic Book Guy Tate
There Will Be Scabs
Spring's Bone
The Queen 2: After Kate
Grizzly Man 2: Does a Bear Shit Tim Treadwell in the Woods?
Cars 2
The Hours 2: Rush Hour 4
Grizzly Man 2: Does a Bear Shit Tim Treadwell in the Woods?
Too soon
Avatar$: Return to Ferngully
King's Speech 2: Smack My B-B-B-itch Up!
Hangover, Again!: Are you f**king kidding?
Face/Back On
The Digitalclockmen
Lord of the Rings: Trolls Gone Wild!
Wall-E 2: This Time We Really F**ked Up the Earth
Rio 2: Bird Flu
The Social Network 2: There Will Be Glitter Graphics (The story of Myspace)
Transformers: Exile on Main Street
Fast and the Furious 3 Tokyo Drift 2: The Winner Gets Me
No Iced-Over Supercontinent for Old Borgs
Dropping Arizona
I think this is my favorite on the page.
Damn right! Don't you be dissing my Han!! mmmHMMM!!
The Hudsucker Bailout
Blade Walker
Gentleman Broncos 2: Chevalier Strikes Back
Romeo and Juliet and Zombies
Sex and the City 3...and Zombies
Pirates of the Caribbean: One-Eyed Willie's Gold
Aliens vs. Zombies vs. Predators vs. Jason vs. Freddy vs. Piranha's vs. the Mummy vs. Frankenstein vs. Dracula vs. the Swamp Thing
Brunch of the Dead
Lord of the Rings: Pippin's Pimping Problem
Brokeback Molehill
Hangover 3: The Search for a New Liver
Clang of the Titans
Steeler Magnolias
The English Out-Patient
Transformers 4: Lego Edition
Indiana Jones and the Retirement Home
A Christmas Story 2: Revenge of the Electric Leg Lamp.
Rio 2: Shock and Terror
I Still Really Do Know What You Did Last Summer
Lord of the Rings: Pippin Ain't Easy
It's Hard Out Here for a Pip
True Romance II: Nothin' but Ritchie and Floyd
I thought of that one too. Great minds thing alike!
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