Snoop Dogg to Star in Stoner Comedy with Wiz Khalifa, Because Why Not

snoopwiz300.jpgEven before he first flexed his acting muscles as the Scavenger Smoker in Half Baked, weed enthusiasts knew they had a champion in rapper Snoop Dogg. Now comes exciting news out of SXSW: The Doggfather's set to star opposite hip-hop newcomer Wiz Khalifa in a stoner comedy called High School. As Khalifa revealed in an interview, the film will bring two generations of rap together through the shared billowing puffs of the marijuana smoke, accompanied by a soundtrack album of new collaborative tracks. Khalifa describes the project in his own words:

"Me and Snoop are working on a movie, High School," Khalifa told Rolling Stone during SXSW. "It should be coming out pretty soon. We've got the soundtrack going with it, too, which is a really big deal. It's basically like me and Snoop's album; it's me and him going back and forth on songs the whole time, so it's a big deal."

Plot details are, ahem, hazy, but Khalifa promised that the story would be fun not only for his young fans but for O.G.s of an older generation. "It's about pot, of course. But it's about mine and his relationship. A spin-off of us being cool in the industry, smoking a lot of weed, being around a lot of weed. We're going to try to have fun with it and also try to enlighten people at the same time, not just get everybody high."

Meanwhile, both Snoop's album Doggumentary and Khalifa's Rolling Papers drop on March 29, featuring a track with Khalifa entitled, "This Weed is Mine." As the saying goes, rap/film what you know...

· Wiz Khalifa Talks About his 'High School' Movie With Snoop Dogg [Rolling Stone]