That Didn't Take Long: Anne Hathaway Rumored to 'Hate' James Franco

oscars_francaway_120.jpgFollowing their disastrous co-hosting performance at the Academy Awards on Sunday, it appears that Anne Hathaway and James Franco parted ways on bad terms. "[They grew] to hate each other," an unnamed source told Us Weekly about the Francaway relationship during rehearsals. "She had to provide all the energy -- he was just phoning it in." As if that wasn't bad enough, another source claimed "producers were pissed" at Franco during the telecast. Join the club, folks. Reps for the two stars deny the accusations. [Us]


  • zooeyglass1999 says:

    In somewhat related news, it is rumored that I "Hate" Anne Hathaway.

  • CiscoMan says:

    Celebrities: They're Just Like Us! They hate their f***ing lazy/overachieving co-workers!

  • Elizabeth says:

    Slow news day?

  • stev says:

    I'm pretty sure that when he came in on weekends to prepare and saw how terrible the stuff he had to read was, he decided it wasn't worth getting invested in. Also, people need to realize that he does have a super laid back personality.

  • casting couch says:

    That image of Franco in drag says more than words ever can.

  • Seerina says:

    Ann is fun and classy. Franco is a stoner. He needs to do another cover for Weeds magazine and stay off the Oscar stage.

  • Watcher says:

    Franco was fine. Anne Hathaway was massively tiresome. She looked foolish, and she's probably blaming Franco for her own poor performance.

  • tina p says:

    watcher, don't hate on Anne Hathaway. She actually survived this horrible debacle- plus she maintained her enthusiasm, charisma, professionalism, great stage presence, and diligence throughout that show. And, Hathaway proved she can work under severe pressure . James Franco was absolutely wrong to bail from the show, and force her to take up his slack. Trust me, his actions on that show will hurt his career . Laughably, he is doing a stage play in fall with Nicole Kidman- he has no stage presence nor can he handle performing live.

  • Jonas says:

    Judgemental much? William F. Buckley and Carl Sagan were unapologetic stoners, and they were both far classier and far more contributive to society than most teetotalers. Grow up.

  • Duder NME says:

    In other more relatable news, dudes the world over (including me) want to motorboat Anne's supple milk pillows.

  • David says:

    I think it's hilarious! Unprofessional perhaps, irresponsible definitely and he won't be asked to host anything other than SNL for along time but, how can anyone take the Oscars seriously? I would rather do laundry, finish a paper or balance my checkbook than subject myself to that horrid drawn out charade. The fact that he made it interesting, in even how bad it was? I have to say it's impressive.

  • geedavey says:

    What the hey, I loved their Oscar night. She was over the top energetic, and he counterbalanced that hilariously with his laid back style. I thought the whole thing was amusing, with good timing on the jokes and they took the Oscars just as seriously as it should be taken. Think for yourselves, sheeple!