Can You Guess Which Stars Hated This Year's Oscar Hosts?

Stars: they will never be just like us. Different day jobs, different tax brackets, different policies on screen nudity -- there is a chasm between us and them as wide as the one that reportedly exists between James Franco and Anne Hathaway. Yet it appears we can all come together on one point: The Oscars were pretty awful this year. Click through to read a few blind critiques of Hathaway and Franco's sub-par hosting abilities from some of Hollywood's elite.

1. From "one of filmdom's most famous faces":

"Considering I would like to work with both Anne and James some day, I ask that you don't use my name. But the show really didn't work. It was uneven, often awkward, and that pairing of the two of them just never jelled."

Well, yeah.

2. An Oscar-winning director contributed this to the negative review pile-up:

"When I saw Billy Crystal make that surprise appearance onstage -- and we saw how funny he is -- it made me want to scream, 'Bring Billy back!' Maybe even tonight, before this show is over!"

3. Here's the insight from one "longtime industry insider:"

"At least [Hathaway] put some good energy into it -- and did have some great moments, especially when she sang that song to Hugh Jackman."

Wink, wink, "longtime industry insider."

Before you start guessing, here are a few hints. The above remarks were not made by Tom Hanks, Billy Crystal or Gayle King -- all three of whom diplomatically praised the night's hosts. Boring.


· Stars dis Oscar hosts Franco and Hathaway, but only off the record [SunTimes]


  • SunnydaZe says:

    1. Charlie Sheen
    2. David Lean
    3. Bruce Vilanch

  • stolidog says:

    I can easily picture Nicole Kidman mouth breathing out No. 1, while politely shaking her little head.

  • Lia F says:

    I'm glad nobody's blowing things out of proportion.

  • Anonymous says:

    One of them has to be Spielberg. One of them maybe Micky Rooney, who attends every show.

  • The Winchester says:

    1) Tom Berenger
    2) Christopher Nolan
    3) Billy Zane

  • vesey says:

    So when are this years oscars ???

  • Brgitte says:

    Can't be, Nolan (unfortunately) hadn't won any Oscars. His time will come though...

  • milessilverberg says:

    1) Sharon Stone
    2) Ron Howard
    3) Chewy from the Chelsea Handler Show

  • daveed says:

    1) Banksy
    2) The Real Banksy
    3) James Franco

  • Mike in Ecuador says:

    Who said these comments? Who cares? James who? He should have spent another 127 hours with no water. Hollywood would be better off. Anne? Aren't there any requirements that you make a good film before you get to host? These two are further proof the end is near. Next year they should have Beyonce, Mariah and Qadaffi host. They at least have worked together before!

  • Rance says:

    Definately the worst Oscars show I've ever seen. I watch ever year. At least Anne looked like she had life in her, James Franco was more like a dead fish!