
  • Cameron says:

    Lynda Carter had a much better figure. She had real boobs for one thing. How does this girl bear any resemblance to the comic book Wonder Woman? There was no hurry to cast this role. It's tough to find someone who's a believable Superhuman for a reason. Idiots!

  • The Cantankerist says:

    Tyra is Wonder-Woman? She did say "like Mrs T, but bigger"...

  • love her says:

    Tyra don't need no college. She going Hollywood! No but really, mark my words, Palicki is my generations Holly Hunter. Even if this show dosen't pan out. And shut the hell up Cameron.

  • Susan says:

    She seemed to really grow as an actress on Friday Night Lights and I think she could be really good.

  • Mishel says:

    I think Adrianne will do fine. I'm more worried about the premise for the show. It sounds horrible - I can see a trainwreck of "Bionic Woman" proportions looming...