Which Oscar Contender Do You Vehemently Refuse to See?

Once every five to seven years, the average American decides he/she is going to see all the Oscar-seeming movies before the ceremony. It's a good way to feel like a part of civilization, just before you dismiss it as contrived, humorless and a misuse of Paul Dano's talents. But as much as you might want to be a completist, perhaps there's one movie you just can't muster the nerve to see: What's your 2010-11 holdout?

Here are some famous Oscar contenders I couldn't bring myself to see. Enjoy this trip to bitchy bountiful:

2000: Chocolat

2002: The Hours

2005: The Aviator (though I relented and saw it -- and I still can't look at Cate Blanchett the same way. More like Guess Who's Cawing All Dinner, Cate.)

2008: Changeling

2009: Invictus

Though I've seen everything this year, I wish I had time to un-see I Am Love. They just colored in Tilda's eyebrows, gave her a four-layer accent, and made a movie featuring the scenic grandeur of an average Top Chef finale. Everything was so damn shiny too, like a ripe Colicchio noggin.

What's your irrational enemy this Oscar season?


  • metroville says:

    I've been avoiding Black Swan, in large part due to its condescending ad campaign:
    "Don't like ballet, pretension or telegraphed twists? Well, check it out--girls kissin'! See you at the theater!"

  • Mike Ryan says:

    To this day, I've still never seen The English Patient.

  • Louis Virtel says:

    That's a fine way to protest Fiennes's Oscar snub in Quiz Show. Charles Van Doren forever.

  • CiscoMan says:

    I'm pretty sure The English Patient is the most dismissed Best Picture winner of the last 25-30 years. I only ever hear it referenced in conversations that go something like this:
    "What won in 1996? Fargo?"
    "Jerry Maguire was nominated, but..."
    "Oh, it was The English Patient. Jesus, I forgot I saw it."
    Say what you will about Crash, at least it gets a reaction.

  • Kallen says:

    Black Swan because I still haven't forgiven that hack Aronofsky for The Fountain and The Fighter because it looks cheesy as hell and also, I despise Wahlberg for some reason.

  • Demi says:

    "Rabbit Hole" I'm just not fond of Nicole Kidman and certainly not fond of typical long speech while crying and looking "serious" performances

  • Demi says:

    "Rabbit Hole" I'm just not fond of Nicole Kidman and certainly not fond of typical long speech while crying and looking "serious" performances

  • Lisa says:

    I refuse to see Forrest Gump no matter how many marathons AMC or TNT may have of that movie, and I do regret ever seeing Life is Beautiful.

  • Troofire says:

    For me, it's Rabbit Hole. Too grim, whatever the quality. I thought The English Patient was a great film. The Hours, too. Can't work up the enthusiasm to fork over $10 for True Grit either. All the year-end films look stale, like we've time traveled to 1948. The Fighter and The King's Speech are the same film, really

  • Brattli says:

    Ugh. The Reader and Revolutionary Road. The year the must-see Oscar movie tyranny was broken for good.

  • Jon says:

    Hilary Swank and that stupid Conviction film. I can't bear to watch her angle for yet another Oscar. Fortunately, most people have forgotten about it and she'll be forgotten too.

  • Potentate says:

    "Wings" looked to reactionary,

  • blip says:

    Is "127 Hours" up for Best Picture? If so, that's my no-see pick. Danny Boyle is a hyper (and overhyped) spazzwit, and I see no need to reward Mr. Ralston's stupidity. He already has his book and speaking deals; he doesn't need my hard-earned cash, too.

  • Louis, my friend, you are nuts. I Am Love is one of my favorite movies of the year! So beautiful. I have.
    I also avoid recent Clint Eastwood movies like the plague.

  • forever1267 says:

    I'm waaaay behind on this year's films, but I still haven't seen "Amadeus", "The Last Emperor" and "Shakespeare in Love" and I really don't want to.
    "The Hours", while a very good movie, is NOT a good date movie, as I found out the wrong way.

  • Anonymously says:

    This year for me it's the Rabbit Hole, for obvious reasons. 127 Hours and the Facebook movie, SN. I don't like and don't want to join Facebook.

  • Auga says:

    True Grit - just can't stand Coen Brothers and everything that they do. And also because it's a western - hate those. The Fighter - Mark Wahlberg. I don't care if he's got nominated for Golden Globe or if he's going to be nominated for Oscar - in my book he still can't act.

  • nan says:

    "The Fighter," just because I rarely like boxing movies. I've resisted "The Social Network" so far because I think Aaron Sorkin's a jerk, but I'll watch that sometime when I don't have to pay for it.

  • NP says:

    _The King's Speech_. I love all the actors involved. I truly believe I'll enjoy it based on everything I've read about it. And yet...I just cannot seem to muster the desire to go see it.

  • Luke says:

    The Social Network because it literally looks pathetic and the ad's annoyed me beyond belief. Maybe it's my hate in Facebook and how it celebrates people craving attention and seeking approval from others about themselves- maybe that's why a movie about the guys who made it seems like a huge waste of time.

  • Marshall1 says:

    I think people should go see Rabbit Hole because it turns out to treat the subject matter with humor and grace, but still packs an emotional punch.

  • The Winchester says:

    In general, I avoid any Nicole Kidman, every other Eastwood flick, and any movie that's WAY too boastful about the Academy Award Nominees in the cast before the title of the movie appears in the ad.
    Specifically for this year, I don't really want to see Hereafter, Rabit Hole, The Fighter or The Kings Speech. I wish I could un-see Somewhere.
    And even though I enjoyed the film, I'll also instigate fury in others by telling people that Social Network is "Forced Relevance" and they will look back in a few years with shame at choosing that as Best Picture.
    (Full disclosure, that's my friend's argument)

  • Susan says:

    I won't go see Social Network (I refuse to join Face Book also). I also don't want to see 127 Hours, or The Fighter.

  • Whoneedslight says:

    Loved The King's Speech, loved The Fighter. While good, Black Swan and The Social Network are very overrated. And I have no desire to see Rabbit Hole.

  • Whoneedslight says:

    That being said, I loved The English Patient.