7 of the Most Scandalous Television Subplots of the Year
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Mac and Frank Use Blackface, Politically Incorrect Impressions and Gratuitous Sex During a Homemade Lethal Weapon 5 Movie
Forget the fact that this season's Sunny episode "Dee Reynolds: Shaping America's Youth" also managed to organically incorporate a plot where Charlie works as a high school janitor, insists that students call him "Professor" and encourages them to eat trash and bathe under his supervision. Just erase that from your memory. Because the most scandalous scene of this episode featured said high school students entering the bar under Dee and Charlie's supervision, and being subjected to a screening of Mac and Frank's politically incorrect video.
The entire season of Mad Men was scandalous. Scandalously bad.
Well, you are the only person who thinks so.
I agree.
what south park misses? are you serious?
It was Dennis and Mac, not Frank.