REVIEW: Espionage Caper The Tourist Offers Mystery and Glamour, Plus Depp and Jolie
The Tourist is one of those movies that will leave some viewers scratching their heads, wondering why there isn't more action, more snazzy editing, more obvious crackle between its stars, Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. But I suspect the people who get The Tourist will simply adore it: It's the kind of espionage caper that doesn't get made anymore, a visually sensuous picture made with tender attention to detail and an elegant, understated sense of humor. In style and construction, its spiritual godfather is Stanley Donen's Charade; thematically, its fairy godmother is Preston Sturges' The Lady Eve. If it were a drink, it would be a Bellini, fizzy and sweet and dry all at the same time.
In the opening scene of The Tourist, an undercover type hunched in the cockpit of a surveillance vehicle announces, "The target is leaving the apartment." And what a target! It's Angelina Jolie as Elise, the movie's mystery woman, setting out into A.M. Paris for tea and a croissant. She's dressed, as if by Hitchcock himself, in a creamy sheath dress and elbow-length suede gloves the color of a fawn's tummy; her eyes, cold and glittering, might have been plucked from Nefertiti's tomb. When she reaches her local café, she receives a note from what we presume is a lover, instructing her to board a train to Venice and, en route, find a companion whose shape and build is similar to his, someone who could easily be mistaken -- by the police, by the authorities, by anyone -- for him. As Elise reads the letter -- it's been written, on pristine stationery, in aristocratically precise block letters, and it's signed "Alexandre" -- her eyes flash unreadable signals suggesting determination, anticipation, apprehension. She burns the letter in her teacup saucer (causing a great kerfuffle among the surveillance dweebs), leaves the café and goes directly to the train station, boarding with nothing but a tiny clutch purse that could hold little more than a hankie and a tube of mascara. Then again, what else does a woman like this need?
Once aboard, Elise coolly scans every seat for a suitable victim. One handsome gent after another meets her appraising gaze with a lost-puppy look that veritably cries out, "Pick me! Pick me!" (The lady friend of one of these potentials shoots Elise a death-ray look that sums up the way many women I know feel about Angelina Jolie.) But none of these fellows is right. At last she finds her mark and sidles into the seat opposite him: He's an unassuming gent with his nose buried in a paperback spy thriller. She ascertains, with an IRS agent's precision, that his name is Frank and he's a math teacher from Wisconsin, traveling through Europe as -- you guessed it -- a tourist, looking to repair his broken heart.
They share a dining-car dinner together. When they arrive in Venice, she lures him first into her water taxi and then into a luxe, marzipan-colored suite at the Danieli. They share another dinner and exchange minimal secrets; they kiss; she makes him sleep on the couch. In the morning he finds her gone, and worse yet, he finds himself being pursued across a corrugated landscape of Venetian rooftops by a gang of Russian baddies. Who is this woman?
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".5 points better than "Salt" and 3X better than "Inception"!", would have been a better header for this article.
Your review tells me this movie is everything I thought it would be. While I love the reference to Charade, just watching Jolie move in the trailer reminds me of a Hitchcock femme fatale. The whole thing seems like a great big holiday confection for adults and I can't wait to see it.
Depp has always seems to be a good actor in everything he does. He does not get typecast either, in what ever role he does. I may want to see this in the theatre instead of waiting on the movie on DVD or TV. Jolie is not bad either...
Go on, keep yourself up at nights figuring out the math of Inception ratings. Good way to pass the time.
I think you should have compared this new movie with the original French movie it is based on ("Anthony Zimmer").
I've only seen the trailer for the Jolie/Depp-version but judging from that it seems inferior to the original one in every aspect, particularly when it comes to the actors.
Yvan Attal was amazing in the original and Sophie Marceau was a very convincing femme fatale in it as well.
In contrast to the original actors Johnny Depp has zero charisma here and Jolie looks like an aging ice princess . How can a thirty-something female Hollywood star even look so old?
The casting seems a bit inadequate to me: replacing a very attractive and energetic leading man (Attal) with an exhausted Johnny Depp and a seductive Sophie Marceau with a seemingly cold female character played by Angelina Jolie.
Check out the original first if you have a chance.
A review that was a pleasure to read, thank you. And weetiger3 might want to consider a career in blurbs: "The whole thing seems like a great big holiday confection for adults and I can't wait to see it." Works for me!
I don't understand the level of animosity towards the movie and why the media has decided to ravage it by using a harsh, high standard when it was just aiming to be a B-grade spy thriller that harkened to an earlier era.
It is sad that the media uses every opportunity to mock and degrade Jolie because of their ongoing agenda and corrupt bias that gossip created. She
is very misunderstood as a person and it is sad that her movies have been
critiqued more harshly because of it. The movie does not deserve such bad critical reception and I can't believe it is tanking like this.
It was a B-grade movie with an A-list cast and crew. Not impressive or memorable but it was an okay or decent movie for its genre. I thought it was average but the reviewers are treating it as horrible and are using it as an outlet to attack Jolie. I also thought that Jolie played her part Elise well considering the character is supposed to be cool, aloof, and opaque. She
carried it off well considering the weak dialogue and she saved the movie for me. Depp was more awkward in this role and I was embarrassed by him at times. He is a good actor but he needs to have strong material and a quirkiness
to a role to pull it off. I also thought that he and Jolie sizzled together and their chemistry was just fine. The critics are being kind of ruthless towards this movie. It makes me sad that it will probably be flop. The two of them
have had other critical and commercial successes but it drives me crazy that Jolie and Pitt movies have to overcome a bias and have to deal with a higher standard.
Show my first post, please.
Okay film that is being evaluated too harshly. The insults and attacks against the film & actors from alot of critics is very outrageous and uncalled for.
I thought they had good chemistry but were limited by the script. I thought
J0lie carried off her underwritten role well and saved the movie for me.
It was an okay and average film. Not spectactular or impressive but watchable and decent for its genre. I don't get why it is receiving such nasty
I was talking about the overall press attitude and critical ratings based on what I have read on metacritics and rottentomatoes.
Thank god for this review which I thought was fair. I found it to be light-weight entertainment that was a good way to spend two hours. If you are fan and like B spy movies, you should be satisfied. Like I said, it was an average or okay movie, not designed to be impressive or unique.
"I also thought that Jolie played her part Elise well considering the character is supposed to be cool, aloof, and opaque."
Given that Jolie plays pretty much every character now as "cool, aloof, and opaque," that's not much of a stretch. She has like two modes: crazy, impassioned wild girl (Girl, Interrupted) and ice princess. Anything resembling real human idiosyncrasy and richness seems to be quite beyond her nowadays. She doesn't play people anymore, she just plays stock characters and stereotypes.
And if any critic is guilty of massive bias, it's Zacharek herself, who seems constitutionally incapable of giving a Jolie movie a less-than-stellar review - unless Clint Eastwood directed it, that is. We can gather than Zacharek hates Clint just a bit more than she loves Angelina. Has any A-list star of Jolie's generation done less with her gifts and made fewer movies of significance than her? Yet to read Zacharek, you'd think Jolie's career was studded with masterpiece after masterpiece and one brilliant, flawless performance after another. Talk about lack of connection to reality. I bet if Black Swan for example had starred Angelina instead of Natalie, Zacharek would've selected it as the best movie of the year and none of her complaints about it would've gotten a passing mention in her review.
(First consideration) She is really good and appropriate in this picture, Chris. Something about how Angelina refuses the viewer, and her spare personality, works to remind you to attend to everything else perfectly worthwhile in the picture. Elegance, a sure splendor of it -- it's hard to imagine anything making an appearance in the film that wasn't (as Stephanie says, tenderly and appreciatively) "considered" ... But I followed this by rewatching "Knight and Day" -- a movie I just can't deny as one of favorites from this year -- and I'm reminded why something in the TRULY "Wisconsin"-born (read: large-hearted, big-souled American) (once Depp reveals his true identity, we should wish him well but still be quite ready to leave him behind -- his human undeterminedness was fake: he's as furnished and complete as the beautiful hotels he for a glorious time inhabited), hammy, down-to-earthness, can ultimately trump every element of fragile stunning beauty some place like Venice has to offer, perhaps in the same way a single human life, perhaps even before its begat into something storied and interesting, can still trump the whole awesome complexity of the entire rest of the ecosphere: no, I'm sorry, whatever your -- albeit -- formidable luxury of experiences and details, whatever the extent of patience required to appreciate all that's in their tiniest sliver, there's no comparing even the sum of it to spending time along someone with sufficient soul to remainder you to backdrop. Where Stephanie really scores points with me in this lovely, faithful review, is that Americans should be able to appreciate this (kind of) film, all that it respects enough to quite-to-the-exact-precarious-point-of-distraction think about and love -- not just loud star vehicles -- and how many can? The film loses me, for its making its lesson by noticeably submitting the human -- nothing they "existed" made me really forget the kind of hotels (and trains, and such) they had been in. Great PEOPLE made those grand hotels, but more LIVING, vital presences should still readily backdrop them, and they didn't enough -- struck me as about near always-even (not quite, they surely existed more than the other human-types that "accompanied" them) -- for my preference. I COULD take my eyes of them, and though it opened things up, in retrospect, this isn't so much quite the thing I supposed it was on first consideration. Still a really good film, though.
I feel validated! Saw this film yesterday and loved it, and I consider myself a cinema snob, to a certain extent. I decided to ignore the regular suspects' (critics) reviews, and had a most enjoyable time with my popcorn and Diet Coke. In fact, I loved it, and really happy to see this review. It is a throwback to those stylish '60s films, not really "Charade" and certainly not Audrey Hepburn. But stunning and loads of fun!
I also loved this, for all the reasons Stephanie so eloquently describes in her review.
I just find it sad that when we see two very good actors try something different and subtle (i.e. something not based on an amusement park ride or a Bourne-franchise-wannabe), the critics and masses deride the supposed "lack of chemistry." I guess we need lots of lame mugging, groping and who knows what-all-else... Thanks, Stephanie, for going to bat for this lovely, crisply directed and elegant film. Let's hope the dissenting opinion leads some more people to see it...
...I don't think style can overcome such a far-fetched plot. Just sayin'.
Stephanie Z's review described my enjoyment of the Tourist when most other critics missed the fine humor and wit in the whole production. Brava!
"I don't understand the level of animosity towards the movie and why the media has decided to ravage it by using a harsh, high standard when it was just aiming to be a B-grade spy thriller that harkened to an earlier era."
I'm sorry, this movie failed badly for me, and I haven't read any other reviews or opinions. B grade spy thrillers are mostly far better than this. What a mess. Watching Angeline Jolie try to be old fashioned and sophisticated was painful, she looked like a puppet and showed about as much feeling, and Johhny Depp was just bizarre as a choice for this role. Mainly though the movie fails by doing nothing but repeating the worst cliches picked up from other movies rather than bearing even the slightest relation to life "Go ahead and kill 'the girl', but I want him alive".
"The girl"? Who talks like that referring to a 40 year old woman, except people in movies, and usually in the 1940s?
This movie looked like an imitation of a string of movie cliches, not a movie. Charade? Hardly.
Stephanie is one of my favorite critics, I'm astonished she didn't pan this one.
Yeah, he must be another one of those stupid Nolan-sheep if he spends all his time doing complicated math like MULTIPLYING BY THREE just for things related to Inception.
You definitely outdid yourself this article.
I am very impresses