Jean-Luc Godard Not an Anti-Semite, Says Jean-Luc Godard

godard_missing_poster_120.jpgAs presumed, Jean-Luc Godard blew off the weekend's Governors Awards ceremony in Hollywood. But the eminently quotable filmmaker and Hyundai pilot was in the news nevertheless, deflecting charges of anti-Semitism. "That's nonsense!", he told an interviewer. "What does 'anti-Semite' mean? All peoples of the Mediterranean were Semites. So anti-Semite means anti-Mediterranean. The expression was only applied to Jews after the Holocaust and WWII. It is inexact and means nothing." Anyway, now you know. [NZZ via Landscape Suicide]


  • Furious D says:

    Godard lost me when he blamed the accusations of anti-Semitism on a "Jewish conspiracy." :O

  • Keith says:

    "All peoples of the Mediterranean were Semites. So anti-Semite means anti-Mediterranean."
    That somehow seems akin to people from, say, Cleveland claiming they are Native Americans.