The Event's Scott Patterson Plays My Favorite Scene: Halloween Edition

scottpatterson_theevent_225.jpgContrary to the character he played on Gilmore Girls for seven seasons, Scott Patterson is neither simple, gruff nor a small town diner owner. He is a self-described "tortured" actor/abstract painter/petrified baby frog collector, though, whose answer to beloved parlor game "My Favorite Scene" was so dark and surprising, Movieline decided to save it for Halloween. Can you guess which haunting torture scene The Event actor picked?

"There are several but I think one that really stands out is from A Clockwork Orange," Patterson said. "The one when Alex is being forced to watch the horrible scenes from the Third Reich while Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony" is playing and he is flipping out, pleading with the doctors to turn off the music because he adores Ludwig van Beethoven. I thought that was a very compelling scene when I was a child. [Laughs] Somehow, I related to that. To me, it explains modern society in a nutshell."

Because embedding was disabled, click here to see the famous Ludovico technique scene that struck Patterson from a very early age.

While we're at it, here's another haunting scene from Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece for your Halloween pleasure: The Droog fight which was just parodied in Wednesday's South Park.

A Clockwork Orange - Droog Fight
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  • stolidog says:

    If I ever become famous (which I won't) I would have to say that my favorite scene, for pure sorrow and angst, involves a mother, a child, and a field about two thirds of the way through The Road.