5 Chilling Things Learned from One Interview with a Jersey Shore 'Grenade'
When you watch Jersey Shore, you get the feeling the stories are not just manufactured, but incomplete. For instance, did Sammi really start a fight with Ronnie over nothing in the season finale? Doubtful. Well, a new interview with Annabelle DeSisto, a woman who came home with The Situation in last week's finale and fled before he could force her into Ed Hardy pajamas, reveals that we don't even get to see the characters' true personalities -- especially The Situation's. Ahead, Annabelle's five best revelations about the cast.
1. The Situation is an aggressive misogynist.
"I was not giving him signals any part of the night like something was going to happen. Then, under the covers, he was just looking at me trying to do awkward small talk and I'm like "Oh, what do you do in your spare time?" He was like, "Can you just shut up and blow me?"
2. The Situation has Rain Man-like tendencies.
"He kept talking about checkers and they edited it so much because he said the checkers thing like ten times. Sort of like Rain Man, everything he would say he would say it like ten times in a row."
3. The men of Jersey Shore run away from fights.
"...They decided to come over to us, like Pauly and Vinny walked up to us and they were like, 'We came out of the VIP just to meet you girls.' Then a fight broke out and they ran away for a second because it got like really crazy."
4. Jay Leno tried desperately to reunite her with Sitch.
"We actually met him again, which was really random. A couple of months ago, Lindsay and I came out to Los Angeles and went to a Jay Leno taping. And The Situation ended up being the guest, which we didn't even know. Anyway, we got front row, like the best seats, like 8 seats away from Jay Leno's desk, and during The Situation's interview he looked right over because we were right next to the camera and he kind of took like a double take at us. During the commercial, Jay Leno was like, 'Hey Mike, why don't you come say hello to these two cute girls over here?' We were like, 'No no no, that's okay,' but he made him come over and say hi to us. It was the most uncomfortable moment because we knew he recognized us somehow because he had like that weird look. He was like, 'Hey, how are you guys?' And I wanted to be like, 'I f*cking hate you!', but I couldn't."
5. Pauly rules. Phew.
"Yeah Pauly, he was so so sweet and could not have been nicer. All of them were so wonderful except for Mike."
· Exclusive Interview: 'Jersey Shore's' Annabelle DeSisto Reveals The Situation's Pick-Up Line, "Can You Just Shut Up and Blow Me?" [Best Week Ever]
All that yabbering and she didn't give is the details on the Sitch's apparently very small other sitch?
Hopefully for her sake she doesn't know a thing about his "other sitch". If that was the case I think she would be talking to a therapist for PTSD, not the media.
Situation you are a legend! You came back home with him at 4am girl...what did you expect to happen? cuddle and watch the sun rise together?....Get real, I would of done the exact same thing as SITCH!
I have never seen the show, but from what I hear, it is a total waste of time. I could do something constructive, like stand on my head and stack BBs with my tongue.
需要系統學習步驟三離河近了吧,扔完炸藥,人跑不掉;離河遠 一夜情 了,又扔不到 一夜情。左看右看才選擇了一個距離河邊只有五 台北一夜情 米比較干燥的地方。點燃導火索把裝上炸藥瓶子扔了出去,我們立刻齊刷刷地趴下,只聽“轟”的一聲,河面冒起足有四、五米高黑黑的水柱,一個大浪涌來我們三個人立即變成了落湯雞,瞬間又被崩起的河底污泥弄成了斑點狗,然而水面上泛起的白花花的魚,使我們精神百倍 台北一夜情。中國是禮儀之邦,中國人最講倫理道德,又最重 在 外送茶 中國傳統文化中, 遠古帝王虞舜孝感動天的故事家喻戶曉:相傳舜的父親瞽叟及繼母、異母弟象,多次想害死舜:讓舜修補谷倉倉頂時,從谷倉下縱火,舜手持兩個斗笠跳下逃脫;讓舜掘井時,瞽叟與象卻下
用舌頭輕柔地分開我的唇喜歡WRC拉力賽事的人一定都很喜歡賽車漂移(或者說甩尾)時的優美動作,喜歡飛車的青年人如果看過日本動畫《頭文字D》都會為拓海的神奇的 台北一夜情 漂移技術所迷,都希望自己學到象他一樣的技術,漂移是玩車的人永恒的話題。在中國, 台北外送茶 除了開拉力賽車的人之外,了解漂移的人極少。本人沒有開過真正的賽車,在現實中只用過卡丁車和自行車做漂移了,不過通過玩幾年賽車游戲的經驗和物理理論的分析,算是對漂移有點認識啦 台北一夜情。入學前的準備不僅僅是指知識技能上的準備,學再多的知識也不意味著孩子準備好了,所以,上面那位媽 台中援交 媽提到的業余幼小銜接班,還有安安媽媽提前幫孩子學習小學一年級的課程,可能反而起了相反的作用