Prickly Pundit Posits Purge

oscars_120.jpg"If the over-60 Academy members fail to note that The Social Network is a brilliant, whippersnapper Citizen Kane-level movie about the Realm of the Now (and the Very Recent) that addresses CLASSIC THEMES, what am I supposed to do about it? Send them a complimentary month's supply of Depends? I'll tell you what SHOULD be done about it. All past-it, over-the-hill geezers should be COMPASSIONATELY EXPELLED FROM THE ACADEMY. [...] What did George S. Patton (George C. Scott) do when he found a mule obstructing his troops in Italy? He shot the mule and had him thrown over the side of a bridge." Jeffrey Wells, ladies and gentlemen! That shouldn't polarize this weekend's Academy screening at all. [Gold Derby]


  • Trace says:

    I was going through the wiki on Best Picture Oscar nominations, and I was really suprised to find that Jaws, Star Wars, The Exorcist, ET, and The Sixth Sense were nominated for best picture. What happened to the days when Blockbusters could get Oscar respect? Now it's all overserious arty crap!