Gleebasing: Second Verse, Same as the First


1. According to Sue Sylvester, what kind of people are "sins against nature?"

a) Men who sing Guns N' Roses in the shower.

b) Female football coaches.

c) Babies.

d) Male nurses.

2. Which characters had surgery over the summer?

a) Puck

b) Santana

c) Ken Tanaka

d) Quinn

3. Even though Artie is in a wheelchair, he still aspires to...

a) Master stilts.

b) Set McKinley High's DDR record.

c) Break dance.

d) Play football.

4. How many times was the phrase "balls in my mouth" shamelessly used in last night's episode?

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

d) 5

5. According to Kurt, fashion has no _______.

a) faults

b) prejudice

c) gender

d) boundaries

6. Rachel Berry achieved Gleebasing icon status last night by giving her sworn enemy directions to a _________ instead of the New Directions audition.

a) abortion clinic

b) crack house

c) Dr. Drew's rehab in Pasadena

d) Bennigan's

7. According to Puck, Helen Keller could not drive because she was _____.

a) a Canadian.

b) blind.

c) deaf.

d) a woman.

8. Captain Beiste declares that she is the Captain of the ________.

a) USS Kick*ss

b) USS Backtalk

c) USS Steroids

d) USS Gender Reassignment Surgery

9. How many lines did Emma Pillsbury have in last night's episode?

a) 0

b) 2

c) 4

d) 6

10. Quinn and Santana's hallway cat fight does NOT include which of the following elements?

a) A remix of Christina Aguilera's "Dirty"

b) Allegations of sluttiness and surgery.

c) B*tch slapping.

d) Hair pulling.

Answers: 1) b and d; 2) a and b; 3) d; 4) b; 5) c; 6) b; 7) d; 8) a; 9) a; 10) a

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  • pinkyt says:

    You may find "shirtless Harry Shum" gratuitous, but I think it is highly appropriate in nearly any context. Agree though that CM trying to get his JayZ on was a sight (and sound) to behold - to paraphrase Becky: "is this a weird dream or is it really happening?".
    Although there seems to be kind of a "meh" reaction to this episode I really enjoyed it, thought is was a nice throw-back to the meaner-spirited vibe that early Season 1 had.

  • I started to realize things were irretrievable when, as I would return from a late night at the lab or the clinic, I would lure his head to my lap. And though there was still tenderness in my fingertips as I stroked his head and shoulder, they were moved more strongly by the need to lull him to sleep, as I couldn't handle the sight of him teetering about the apartment anymore.