Honorary Oscars Announced: Will Jean-Luc Godard Personally Accept His?

jean_luc_godard_225.jpgCongratulations to filmmakers Francis Ford Coppola and Jean-Luc Godard, actor Eli Wallach, and film historian and preservationist Kevin Brownlow on their imminent recognition at this year's Academy Governors Awards. They deserve it, but at least in Godard's case, will the French New Wave pioneer -- who historically sniffs at prizes and couldn't even be bothered to attend his latest film's Cannes premiere -- even show up to accept? Take Movieline's poll after the jump!

Already a five-time Oscar winner for first two Godfather films and Patton, Coppola will be given the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award recognizing his "consistently high quality of motion picture production." Hmm. Well, he went four-for-four with four masterpieces in the '70s, so let him enjoy it. Wallach, Brownlow and Godard, meanwhile, will receive the standard-issue Honorary Oscars at the Nov. 13 event -- or at least Wallach and Brownlow will.

Godard is a little tougher -- a more deliberate and dogmatically principled invitee to read; it probably depends on how he feels when he wakes up that day. Which is fine! That's why he's Godard. Do what you want, JLG! And see below for Movieline's ultra-scientific poll for the popular sentiment regarding your attendance. React accordingly. And congrats again.

[via The Wrap]

Will Jean-Luc Godard Personally Accept His Honorary Oscar at This Year's Governors Awards?Market Research


  • The Winchester says:

    I bet Tarantino accepts it in his place, then everybody thinks it was his idea to begin with.

  • Cynic says:

    Where's the "who gives a shit" radio button?

  • I deliberately left it off in the hopes of hearing from our most sophisticated, thoughtful readers. Mission accomplished!

  • huhh says:

    Where's the "this shitty commenter is a waste of space, so please put him out of his putrid misery" button next to your name?

  • Edward Wilson says:

    Where's the button so we can jump-cut past the Godard news?

  • Emotionally Retarded says:

    OK, Coppola already has -- what? 5 Oscars? And this one is going to be the Thalberg, right -- which is for producing? I don't see it. It's like when they honored Kazan despite his previous wins. Brownlow and Godard I can get behind, and Wallach, well, is old.