Glee is Doing a Rocky Horror Episode, and Other Surprises From Their Comic-Con Panel

When you think of Comic-Con, you immediately start thinking about the geeky faithful lining up to learn more about superheroes, vampires and mythical gnomes of all flavors. So, of course, Glee is a natural fit with all that. Wait, really?

Actually, it does sort of fit: Glee is all about reveling and finding sanctuary in a nerdy subculture and dodging insults from all the popular kids. Plus, there's a lot of spandex-wearing on both sides.

Today at the Con, Chris Colfer, Kevin McHale, Amber Riley, Jenna Ushkowitz, Naya Rivera, Heather Morris and creator Ryan Murphy were on hand to dish the dirt on season one and offer a few tantalizing hints about the new season.

When asked about their post-Super Bowl episode, Murphy revealed that they're still waiting to cross all their legal t's, but hinted that it will be a "really big" tribute episode in the vein of the "Power of Madonna" episode -- and in that vein, he also promised that there will be two or three total tribute episodes in the new season, including a Britney Spears episode that is centered on Heather Morris' Brittany entitled "Britney/Brittany."

Speaking of the Gay Shark Scholar herself, Morris revealed that she came up with the joke that guest star Jonathan Groff was actually Matthew Morrison's son, and said that she envisions Brittany's parents being geniuses who work at NASA.

We may get to see a passionate kiss between Brittany and Santana (crowd: "Woooooooo!!!") this season, Murphy said. And the correct romantic mash-up name for the two of them, says Rivera, is "Santitney."

When asked about what song they'd like to do, most of the cast demurely fudged with plenty of "Any song that we get to do is great, all songs are lovely" blahblah-blabbityblah. Chris Colfer, however, slapped his metaphorical balls on the dais and said simply but strongly, "I want to do 'The Time Warp.'" So imagine the look of surprise and downright delight on his face when Murphy revealed that they would in fact do a Rocky Horror Picture Show episode. Gentle reader, there was squealing.

Murphy also promised that Glee would not get too big for its britches, saying, "rather than getting bigger and bigger as many expect us to do, we're going to concentrate on the characters that we have" and will cap the number of musical numbers per episode to five, rather than the eight that they had towards the end of the season. To that end, there will be more Artie and Tina, more stories on Mike "Other Asian" Chang and Matt Rutherford, including a story where Tina falls out of love with Artie and begins to fall for Mike Chang (crowd:"[anguished wailing]").

Murphy actively asked for suggestions from a fan who asked if they could incorporate more numbers from the Golden Age of Musical -- the fan offered "Carousel" and "Guys & Dolls," to which Murphy replied, "Ooh! 'Guys & Dolls' is a good one!" and jotted it down

We will see a return of both Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth, and an episode centered around religion where we get to see Mercedes at her church -- and she takes Kurt. And Speaking of Kurt, not only will he get a boyfriend, but Murphy hopes to write an episode where he and the boyfriend are crowned Prom King & King.

In other Emmy-nominated secret ninja news, Chris Colfer revealed that Amber Reilly surreptitiously taped him running on the treadmill and posted it to twitter. And here it is for you!


  • HwoodHills says:

    Stop it, people. Everyone knows this show won't TRULY take off until they do an episode featuring the entire Survivor catalog.

  • pinkyt says:

    I can't help but feel there is something missing when I see a "Glee" post on Movieline that doesn't include a little diss of Cory Monteith. You folks are getting lazy!

  • Allan says:

    Chris Rosen just got a boner.

  • c m says:

    ziggy startdust vs. elton john 1972.

  • stolidog says:

    that's why I, Kum Yorgey, am a scientologist.

  • Necrosage says:

    Unless they come out with a musical comic book/graphic novel or introduce one of the cast members as a comic enthisiast I can't see the connection between the two and really would like to see Comic Con and the rest of the Hollywood crap split apart. It would be much better for both industries and the location since it would draw more people to both events.