Why You Should Feel A Little Bad for Robert Pattinson
In an interview with the New York Times, Robert Pattinson admitted he's suffering from a bit of Twilight-fatigue and that "it can get a little boring. The good news is that the whole thing is done in seven months." I'm sure poor R-Pattz will be beset on both sides for such a candid comment. At one end he'll get it from die-hard Twilight fans who will brook no insults -- real or imagined -- directed towards their beloved series of books, movies and plush duvet sets. On the other side will be all those who find it difficult to empathize with an incredibly good-looking actor who has the starring role in a billion-dollar movie series and no shortage of job offers. But come on: Don't you feel just the teensiest bit sorry for Robert Pattinson?
There's the obvious reason to feel bad, of course. Who among us could stand the sheer, numbing hell of being followed around night and day by relentless paparazzi, having every little minutiae of our lives ruthlessly examined and dissected by a million little blogs, chomping away like insatiable mosquitoes? Imagine not having a private moment to yourself for three, four, five years and counting.
But, some may say that such tabloid attention comes with the job of being a famous actor. Sure, I suppose -- but it's his actual job where Pattinson gets the most sympathy from me. He's an actor and the role of Edward is a horribly, horribly dull one.
Edward glowers, Edward mopes, Edward stares moony-eyed at just-as-dull Bella and mouths the worst, schmoopiest dialogue this side of a 14-year-old girl's LiveJournal page. He doesn't really grow or change in the movie -- he loves Bella from start to finish -- and doesn't engage in much conflict outside of the odd, hasty fight scene. He has no arc, no development, no story. Wouldn't you be bored to tears after three years of such stultifying nonsense? And then have to do press for it? Answer question after question about your nothing character who does pretty much nothing? I'd be champing at the bit to get the hell out of Dodge after playing such an empty fart of a character for four years, too.
So, have some courtesy for poor ol' Rob. Yes, he's rich and famous and obscenely handsome. But, like US Weekly tells us, he's a star just like us -- stuck in a boring job he hates and can't wait to leave.
· His Cross to Bear: Heartthrob Vampire [NYT]
I do feel sorry for Rob! His life has got to be bad with having to stay away from everyone and being alone alot even if he is the most famous guy on earth. He reminds me of Elvis which had wealth and fame but not much happiness and always secluded. Rob has been great and has been nothing but a gentleman and one with a great personality and his laughing is absolutely mesmerizing and he is so lovable. He is truly blessed and he blesses others. I pray that he'll have peace, happiness, and love and pray that he'll continue to be blessed.
haha, yea I feel sorry for that guy. He HAS to have hearing loss from the crazy fan-girl squees! I have a feeling he will never step foot into another franchise or "blockbuster" movie EVER. He seems like a nice kid and really down to earth, so I hope he escapes this vampire crap soon and has a long career in smaller movies.
Wow, how snide of you! Millions of women and girls are all idiots and have no clue to really interesting characters. You are one of the few smart people left to see it clearly. How lonely. I would rather be with the other idiots than a smug know it all, any day.
The bored comment came from the NY post article. The article was poorly written in my opinion and his comments were taken out of context and were not true quotes - more a summation of what he said. It was also an assumption on what he meant by boring. I do feel sorry for Rob if there is no news about him some is made up. Whatever he says gets twisted and analyzed. He is normally so gracious i take the NY post/magazine with a grain of salt.
Speaking of made up news about Rob there is a rumor going around the internet that his role in Water For Elephants is going to have a gay element for him. This movie is based on a book where his characters love interest is a woman played by Reese Witherspoon!
I love Edward Cullen and his character development. As Rob points out in his interviews, Edward was stuck in a mind numbing existence for over 100 years but once he falls for Bella he has to thaw, he has to revert back to human emotions, he has to make himself a part of the real world for her. That's his character arc. His re-birth as a "human". His life was taken from him and falling in love with Bella gave it back to him. I love Edward. He's always been the most interesting character in the series in my opinion.
oops I said NY press meant NY times.
And que the outrage and excuses from a Twi-hard nation coming to grips with the fact that their chosen one is over it.
No one is really outraged. Most Rob fans expect him to move on. They also fully expect him to finish the Twilight series which he's doing and which he promotes when gusto whenever he does promote. With him it's quality not quantity. I think the only people expecting outrage are people outside the fandom who think something like this would outrage anyone who is a Rob fan. Rob has always been more or less candid with the fans. We expect nothing less from him.
No. I don't feel sympathy. He is compensated grandly and makes his own choices. Edward's character has an incredible arc, but they've chosen not to tell it in increasing degree with each installment in favor of other made up ones. That's a shame no one advocated for it since Hardwicke - it is the more interesting in the series. The personal life scrutiny is odd, but that's been around a long long time - it ebbs and flows and subsides - temporary. The only way I'd have sympathy is if his crossover films or future career didn't work out. That's not looking likely. At any rate, he has the benefit of the current franchise to maneuver from. If he advocated Edward's character arc it may be less boring? I guess we only derive what we invest into things? I suppose it makes prudent sense to posture a little away from Twilight career-wise though. Those contracts are signed, the Eclipse installment is a risky foray into a wider male demographic and the exposure it provides is a double edged kind worth ratcheting back a bit into a sustainable normalcy if possible. I dunno.
Wow! I knew that this comment would be looked over by the fans; however if Kristen says anything like that she would get death threats!!! Do not get me wrong, I love both Rob & Kristen!!! Just stating a fact.
He doesn't need anyone's pity. I feel bad for you guys actually, who can't seem to find a new subject. He's the most talked about, sought out actor he knows this and he's incredibly grateful he doesn't take anything for granted. All his fans know this so your ridiculous articles aren't changing that.
PS Minnie- This isn't about Kristen, find an article about her and move along. Rob and Kristen aren't the same person.
Any Rob fan would know that this article is fiction, the opinion of the writer, or extremely taken out of context! Rob has always been very candid in interviews and he had also been consistent about the gratitude he has for the frasnchise. In a recent LIVE interview he talked about missing the character once BD concludes. I am convinced that the media industry have resorted to just making shit up to get the millions of Rob hand to open their links for the hits they know his name will create! It' pretty sad really
Any Rob fan would know that this article is fiction, the opinion of the writer, or extremely taken out of context! Rob has always been very candid in interviews and he had also been consistent about the gratitude he has for the frasnchise. In a recent LIVE interview he talked about missing the character once BD concludes. I am convinced that the media industry have resorted to just making shit up to get the millions of Rob hand to open their links for the hits they know his name will create! It' pretty sad really
ROB was the perfect EDWARD in Twilight and billions love this movie because of HIM. I just feel pity for those people who tried to make bad reviews and articles against him.
Why does everyone think this guy's good looking? Sorry, but he's a dog.
Dixon, if you're getting paid per page view, then this article is fecking genius!!
I do hope that Rob can get away from this nonsense, but it doesn't look hopeful. Dunno, maybe he can take the money, leave the public eye, and create a life that's more manageable.
I totally agree with Niqui and Mary. Rob is always very gracious and grateful. The NY article is so taken out of context and the author uses several kind of indirect quotes. The NY author even says meaning...making assumptions about what Rob means.
I have to say i think he is very good looking Lisa. I find him very attractive but part of it is his funny, unhollywood down to earth personality
Robert Pattinson is a very talented and extremely attractive guy and as much hype as the Twilight saga gets ( and I luv him as Edward ) I fell even harder in luv with him as Tyler Hawkins in Remember Me. There are alot of things I feel about Robert Pattinson and sorry for him isn't one of them. But if he needs a shoulder ( or any other part of my body ) to lean on I'm offering.
'empty fart of a character'? Enjoyed the article for that little tidbit alone.=)
actually i suspect the part he is tried of is constantly be confused for his character, the non stop rumors about him dating his co-star, despite the lack of anything close to proof and statements to the contrary, particularly by Pattinson. He's also probably tired if having to have a bodyguard 24/7, the rude things like folks posting nasty things about his non Stewart romantic co-stars as if they are ugly whores trying to steal him from his 'true love' (gag). the yelling by crowds during location shoots, the crowds trying to grab him, crazy requests by fans for him to bite them. the tabloids making huge mountains of slobbering drunk out of the molehill of him slipping on an icy sidewalk
and so on.
I remember a story of him saying that he actually took anxiety drugs before his audition and I suspect that they returned during that shoot in NYC with all that craziness. there are photos of him where he looks like he was about a half second from a total anxiety attack, because he probably was.
With luck when Twilight is over all this stuff will die out and all those Twifreaks will finally figure out that he's Robert Pattinson NOT Edward Cullen
The trouble is that the books and the movies don't really push that idea. if it had been there with more intensity, and perhaps including all the vamps, it would have made things more interesting.
That and have a Bella that isn't such a wimp. She's actually interesting when she gets pissed off. Otherwise she's just this moody, mooning girl with no real story. She's basically cardboard
I like how my cousin put it.
Robert's fans probably are not outraged. They don't buy into all the bunk about him being madly in love with Kristen and hiding it. Because they don't buy into the tabloids as if they are fact and instead listen to what Robert says, what the photos show etc.
It is the Edward Cullen fans that will be outraged because he's dissing on their precious Edward. How dare he, that jerk. They are also the ones that are so certain, despite logic and lack of proof, that he and their precious Bella are totally in love, soul mates etc. Basically they don't see the actors, just the characters.
"If he advocated Edward's character arc it may be less boring?"
you say that as if he actually has any power. Actors really don't. Unless the directors and writers give it to them. Which rarely happens unless you are someone like Johnny Deep, working with a director who is your best friend.
As for money, contracts etc. Contrary to popular belief, Pattinson is NOT compensated for and did not sign up to be stalked 24/7 and have every detail of his life put on display for the financial benefit of tabloids etc. He is an actor, not some famewhore reality star. And yet his life has turned into something more absurd than any reality show. Not to mention potentially dangerous if one of these stalkers goes psycho on him.
You are welcome to that opinion. but there are thousands of teenage girls, their middle age mothers and that much over again in gay men that would be happy to have that dog hump their legs.
I agree with you that the character of Edward in the movies is dull and boring. This has nothing to do with Mr. Pattinson's acting ability, but with Summit who has decided to turn the epic love story between Edward and Bella into a "love triangle". Summit has jumped on the Taylor Lautner ab bandwagon and turned these movies into something they were not intended to be. Rob has done the best he can with what screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg has given him but believe me it's not much. She has given the character of Jacob the best lines and has turned him into a hero when in the books he is nothing more than an annoying, manipulative child. I do feel sorry for Rob. I don't care how much money he makes, he did not become an actor for the this level of fame. There is no one in the world who would want to put up with what he has had to for the past couple of years. I am only hoping that once Breaking Dawn is finished filming Rob can enjoy years of success and the fact that he got screwed by Summit will not effect the amazing career I know he can have.
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