The Case Against More Installments of Toy Story

Aside from the brief blip of Toy Story 2 in 1999, it seemed that Pixar was a company averse to creating sequels; now, though, they're positively swamped by them. Toy Story 3. Cars 2. A second installment of Monsters Inc. And now, while Toy Story 3 had been commonly regarded as the end of that franchise, director Lee Unkrich is reopening the door. "We know that people love the characters, love Woody and Buzz, and would hate to say good-bye to them completely," Unkrich told MSN. "I don't know that there would ever be a '[Toy Story] 4.' We don't have any plans for one -- but we are trying to find ways to keep the characters alive. We have announced we're going to do a short film in front of Cars 2 that uses the Toy Story characters. We're going to keep them alive; they're not going away forever."

What I'm saying is... maybe they should?

Don't get me wrong: I'm a big fan of Pixar. In fact, I think Toy Story 2 is one of their best films (topped only, perhaps, by Wall-E). I just don't think we need any more Toy Story after this. These characters aren't the new Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck -- they're too constrained by a narrative arc, and for my money, that arc already ended in Toy Story 2.

Toy Story 3 isn't a bad movie by any means. It's just a superfluous one. The conflicts in the movie were already done better in the previous installment, and so for most of its running time, TS3 just has to hit those same beats even harder.

Once again, Woody is separated from the other toys, introduced to new ones, and driven into an existential crisis: should he reunite with Andy for a short but loving period of time or face a less satisfying (but potentially infinite) life elsewhere?

Once again, the toys consider their own mortality and the fickle nature of their owners, but it's an unnecessary elongation of the succinct, Sarah McLachlan-scored montage allotted to Jessie in the previous movie. (In fact, the storyline seems like such a do-over for the twice-abandoned toy that she literally says, "This is Emily all over again!")

While these more mature themes were welcome in TS2, they're cranked up to eleven in the sequel, crowding out the lightness, fun, and good humor present in the rest of the series. As if to apologize for how dark things get -- and they get dark -- much of the ending and even the closing credits is a hasty, overcompensating attempt to lighten the mood considerably, and I have a feeling that the Toy Story short in front of Cars 2 is intended to do the same. "See, kids? I know Woody and Buzz were in a lot of danger before, but they're fine! We promise!"

I don't think TS3 has much of an ending -- though Pixar explores some very dark, final ideas in the film, the ending is ultimately just a postponement from grappling with them -- but that doesn't mean that I think the series should continue. Pixar is so great at developing new characters and unseen worlds, and I'd hate to see them keep coming back to this fairly tapped well. Go forth and develop new IPs! (And if you ever make a sequel to my beloved Wall-E, God help me, I will cut you.)


  • SunnydaZe says:

    I complete agree that Wall-E and Toy Story 2 are Pixar's two best. In fact, I think they are two of the greatest films of all time>
    Wall-E for its visuals and Toy Story 2 for its perfect screenplay.

  • Sebastian says:

    HAHAHA LOVE it. So true. Pixar should move on and focus on better characters and themes. Don't overdo the initial success.

  • Lexi says:

    You can have too much of a good thing, and "Toy Story 3" proves it. Pixar should stick with original movies and stop recycling old ones.

  • Matthew DH says:

    The problem isn't Pixar. It's Disney. Disney's forcing Pixar to make all these freakin' sequels. Pixar was actually working on a new original film: Newt. But Disney put the ax to it and made them start working on the sequels. Don't call-out Pixar, blame the money grubbing execs at Disney. It's just like the Direct-to-DVD sequel crap they were hawking for over a decade.

  • Chip says:

    I honestly think Toy Story 3 is a better movie than Toy Story 2. Toy Story 2 is great, and sure, Jessie's song is very emotional, but I think Toy Story 3 handled it all better. That song, while a great turning point, made the emotion feel more forced, while in Toy Story 3 it felt more natural (since Andy was older). Toy Story 3 came closer to make me cry than Toy Story 2 ever has, and it did it without the need of a song (except the home video montage at the beginning, that was powerful). And still, I think it was very hilarious at several times. I had NO problem with this being a darker movie; it was quite welcome, actually.
    That being said, there should definitely NOT be a Toy Story 4. The story was wrapped up perfectly here. I don't really have a problem with short films, though, but they don't need to go much further than that.