The 9 Best Saturday Night Live Sketches This Season
6. "Lawrence Welk Show" (Host: James Franco)
His voice may have been a little hoarse, but the host (who went on to make a documentary about being backstage at Studio 8H) added some Latin flair to one of the season's best returning sketches.
Marble Columns, amazing as it may be, is a three-year-old bit.
I'd nominate:
1) "So you committed a crime… and you think you can dance?" w/ Ryan Reynolds as the aussie dance coach/coreographer, and Andy Samberg as math-deficient Kevin Federline.
2) "The Jammy Shuffle w/ the Tizzle Wizzle Gang" w/ James Franco. Pajamas + murder, what's not to love?
"Jay Leno Walking w/ Ravish" wipes the floor w/ Leno's actual Jaywalking torture:
Ya hear that Alexander Haig!
This skit would have been close to perfect if the tree hadn't "talked" at the end:
And of course the 1st "What's up With That":
I loved the wedding reception where dad Fred Armison and his "band" reunited.
No No No....Incomplete without the BEST sketch and series of the season, "What Up with That?" On the episode with Joseph Gordon Levitt and Featuring Al Gore
WOw, it just doesnt get much better than SNL. They are the best.
a Yeasty muffin can really ruin your day
Gerard Butler was one of the best hosts this season, right up there with Zach.The Spartans bit was as funny as anything they've done in recent memory. Last night was abysmal. Alec Baldwin was horrible--looking off stage for every sketch just reading his lines. The material was so bad, I don't think any actor could have saved it.
Thanks for using Hulu instead of something Canadians can use. Much appreciated. I'll just trot over to YouTube to figure out what this article is all about, shall I?
Agree with this commenter. Think you meant PORCELAIN FOUNTAINS from the Ryan Reynolds ep. Aside from that, great list! We both had PAGEANT TALK as our #1.
Honestly, I thought the best sketch of the season was the Hip Hop kids. Andy cracked me up... "Because of our behavior, yo!"
Videos can only be seen in the US = USELESS
Hey, I remember the 90's when the Internet wasn't necessarily worldwide. GET A FUCKING CLUE, MORONS! IT'S 2010!
good art!
[...] looked so chic. The new issue of Vogue magazine, which depicts Les Miserables star and recent Saturday Night Live host Anne Hathaway on the cover, features a lush Annie Leibovitz photo feature spotlighting the [...]