15 Questions Lost Has Yet to Answer

Who is Jack's sideways ex-wife?

In the sideways world, Jack has a kid and keeps fielding calls from his ex-wife. Who is she?

Likelihood of Answer: High. The show obviously wants us to keep asking this question. It seems pretty obvious to me that the answer will be Juliet, but when we'll see her (will we have to wait for the series finale?) is almost the bigger mystery.

What is the "Hurley bird"?

In the finales for season one and two, a huge, green bird was sighted that cawed Hurley's name. This is still one of the weirdest things I've ever seen on Lost, and I've seen a lot.

Likelihood of Answer: Medium. The Hurley bird was written into two important episodes early in the show's run, but we haven't seen it at all since, and I couldn't even begin to guess what could explain it.

Was the Man in Black trapped in the cabin?

Originally, it seemed like Jacob was the one who'd been trapped in the cabin for ages, but we've slowly been able to piece together that it was actually the Man in Black (in the season five finale, Ilana says that Jacob hasn't been there for a long time). In a way, that would explain the circle of MiB-imprisoning ash that's typically found around the cabin, but it's not like the smoke monster was hampered by it in the early seasons. Was someone letting him in and out?

Likelihood of Answer: Medium. I thought this might be explained in the Richard flashback episode, but the series hasn't so far gone there. Are producers really interested in filling in the more recent gaps of the Jacob-MiB timeline, or will we simply get some of their backstory and be forced to piece it together ourselves?


What's the deal with Cindy the stewardess?

This chick! Cindy was the alcohol-pushing stewardess who ended up with the tail section survivors, then was kidnapped by the Others in a mondo-suspicious incident that made Ana Lucia awfully trigger-happy. Next time we saw her, she was peacefully integrated into the Others, and she told an imprisoned Jack that she was "here to watch." Whuhhh?

Likelihood of Answer: M
edium. The show has dutifully kept Cindy a background figure in Locke's camp, so it's not as though they've entirely forgotten about her. Still, they haven't given us any new information on Cindy's conversion since season three.

What was the deal with the supply drop in season two?

While the hatch was under lockdown in season two, a Dharma supply drop fell from the air, full of food pallets. Did a Dharma plane drop it? Was Dharma still in place after the Purge? And if so, why didn't they head to the island to see what the holy hell was going on there after all their buddies got massacred?

Likelihood of Answer: Medium. I would think this was an item of low interest for the producers to explain, and yet they've hinted in interviews that a resolution will come. How it's germane to the current plot, I can't even begin to guess.

How did the frozen donkey wheel get there?

Ben and Locke have both had to burrow deep into the island to turn a frozen donkey wheel, after which they were consumed by bright light and cast into Tunisia. (Lost plot points don't really look so sane when you write them out like that, do they?) Should we accept the wheel as something that's always been there, or is there more to its story?

Likelihood of Answer: Low. I'd lead toward the former.

Why isn't Kate a candidate?

Kate's name wasn't on the list of candidates in the cave that the Man in Black took Sawyer to. Why not?

Likelihood of Answer: Medium. Not only was Kate listed at the lighthouse, but producer Carlton Cuse has said that her crossed-out name was supposed to be shown in the cave, yet didn't make the final edit. Still why were people like Kate and Miles crossed out? What did they ever do to anyone, huh?

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  • Jeff F. says:

    16. What the hell is going on with Walt. Why did he appear randomly throughout the past few seasons?

  • ZOOEYGLASS1999 says:

    I agree with most of these except: Libby in the mental hospital (who cares?); Cindy (I always thought she was just a brainwashed other); and who built the statue (probably just early inhabitants of the island...leaving it a mystery will be better than actually showing them).
    As for the frozen donkey wheel:
    AICN reports that it is revealed next week--- http://www.aintitcool.com/node/44917

  • The Evil Marshall D says:

    Mystery: WHAT is the Smoke Monster, not WHO.
    Mystery: Why did Ben let Walt and Michael go, but not anyone else?
    Mystery: What happens to you when the Temple heals you and "you're always one of us?"
    Mystery: What was the U.S. army doing on the Island and what happend to them?
    Mystery: Who ordered The Purge and why?

  • Aaron says:

    Here's a question that's never been answered:
    Who gives a shit about this crap?

  • TurdBlossom says:

    Smokey is probably Sutek.

  • The Evil Marshall D says:

    From Aaron | Reply
    Posted 04 May 2010, 3:48 PM
    Here's a question that's never been answered:
    Who gives a shit about this crap?
    Ha! Funny! But "shit" and "crap" are rather redundant expressions in a very short sentence. It would probably have more "umph" if you said,
    "Who gives a sausage makers dump about this impacted bowel of a mystery?"

  • Michael Strangeways says:

    Here's something funny: Why make a useless, condescending comment on a post about a show you obviously dislike?

  • TheWatcher says:

    it's funny because his name is Aaron.

  • Old No.7 says:

    Most important question not answered: What the fuck is ABC going to do for ratings after this series ends?

  • Jo Dean says:

    Somehow I doubt they will ever answer.

  • snarine says:

    Hi! Good question, but I would disagree with one thing: Jacob did not say that the island was a cork designed to contain the Man in Black - he said it was a cork designed to contain some kind of evil or malevolence. However, it is a jump to assume that the MIB is the evil that was meant to be contained. I realize that it looks that way now, but it may not be that simple. For one thing, if the MIB was the thing that the island was designed to contain, then why was Jacob so surprised when the MIB tried to kill him? Wouldn't he expect that to be the case if he was the MIB's jailer? Also, why would he be having what amounts to a philosophical argument with the MIB over whether or not humans are inherently evil? So, I don't think that this assumption is warranted, at least not yet. The MIB is definitely evil, but is he just "regular evil" -i.e., the evil of a man/being who has been locked up on an island for a very long time with a mission or for a purpose that he no longer believes in?
    For myself, I'll be very disappointed if the philosophical idea underpinning "Lost" ends up being something as mundane as "good vs. evil". I think it is being advertised that way, but I don't think that is where the creators are going.

  • sweetbiscuit says:

    Here's one: if the island is the cork for keeping malevolence/evil/MiB in check and away from the "real" world, why does Jacob want to keep tempting fate by bringing people to the island? He apparently doesn't live by most human laws except that he can be killed through that "loophole." So why risk it? It seems Jacob's priority is not keeping evil on the island, or he'd make sure no one ever landed on it.

  • Max Berger says:

    Yeah you hit a lot of the big ones but forgot a couple keys.
    First of all, Walt has to be answered. I mean has to has has to be answered. To be honest with you the way I look at lost is a show that had a brilliant first two seasons and then kind of lost its way.
    Nevertheless I would like to tell people that i recommend Lost to that their was not a mysterious weird, incredibly important character season 1-2 who we never learn what the deal is with.
    And on that note the second most important mystery that needs to be solved is the pregnancy issue. Which to give a short sum up- created 100% of the tension with claire season 1, was the reason that juliets character existed, and last but certainly not least is the whole reason sun had to get off the island in the first place. You can walk away from season 1 & 2 thinking that the entire reason the others exist is to solve the pregnancy issue on the island.
    So i am hoping that this somehow gets answered.

  • Dr. Morbius says:

    Another question not really answered is why the "numbers" seem to have magical powers and why they keep popping up from time to time. The "numbers" dominated the first couple of seasons, but have faded from view, except for occasional reference.

  • Bi Polar Bear says:

    Who is "RC" referenced in the engraving on Naomi's bracelet that Sayid removed from her corpse?

  • Annie says:

    I don't understand why everyone doesn't remember that they answered why Libby was in the mental hospital, or at least indicated it. She was clearly having trouble dealing with her husbands death ("Live Together Die Alone) and looked half-crazy already. We know she voluntarily went into the hospital. That's all the explanation I need.
    And as for the fertility problems... it's another one they answered, or indicated: radiation poisoning, obviously! The fertility problems cropped up post-Incident, after they detonated the bomb (which is interesting when you think Juliet set off the bomb and created the problem she would eventually be summoned to fix!)

  • Cstamp says:

    I still think the issue of who Walt was needs to be addressed.

  • Shane says:

    I think we need to be realistic-- there are four hours (or so) left. We are not going to get answers to every single thing listed here and if we do they will be randomly shoved in a line of dialogue and seem redundant (like the answer to the 'whispers'). I think the producers would be better leaving some things for us to just figure out.
    HOWEVER I won't be satisfied unless at least some of the stuff written here are explained. Especially about Walt, the DI, the Others' history and obviously the Island itself. Also Eloise Hawking- she is one of the most left out and important characters. Why did she help the Oceanic 6 get back to the Island? Who told her to and who is she working with/for? I'd also like some explanation about the Temple and what the hell all that is about.