The 7 Funniest Jokes From Barack Obama at The White House Correspondents' Dinner
Add Barack Obama to the list of people funnier than Jay Leno. While the president brought his B-minus game to the open mic night that is the White House Correspondents' Dinner -- never mind the massive oil spill in the Gulf that threatens the environment or the car bomb in Times Square that threatens national security, what's the deal with airplane food? -- Leno could barely muster a chuckle from the assembled political luminaries, wonky nerds and Hollywood stars. It got so bad, he was even forced to pull out the "this is a tough room" card, the mating call of every bombing hack comic. And oh, the multimedia jokes: All that was missing was "Monkey Picks the YouTube Clip." Thank goodness then for President Obama, who made the night more than tolerable. After the jump, the president's seven best moments. Try the veal!
7. "My approval ratings are still very high in the country of my birth"
6. "Unfortunately John McCain couldn't make it. Recently he claimed that he had never identified himself as a Maverick. And we all know what happens in Arizona when you don't have ID. Adios, amigos!"
5. "I saw Michael Steele backstage when we were taking pictures. A.K.A. Notorious GOP. Michael, who knows what truly plagues Americans today: Taxation without representin'."
4. "This next provision [in the health care bill] is called the Jersey Shore-Up. It reads, 'The following individuals shall be excluded from the indoor tanning tax within this bill: Snooki, JWOWW, The Situation and House minority leader John Boehner.'"
3. "I hear I'm still pretty big on Twitter, Facebook, or, as Sarah Palin calls it, the Socialized Media."
2. "The only person who's ratings fell more than mine in the last year is here tonight. Great to see you Jay. I'm also glad that I'm speaking first, because we've all seen what happens when somebody takes the time slot after Leno's."
1. "The Jonas Brothers are here."
C'mon! Give that man a late night! First guests - Vera Baker and the oil spill.
Vera Baker and the Oil Spill went downhill after their third album.
Vera Jones!!!! I'm not saying that Obama did it, and I'm not saying that he cheated on his wife and is jeopardizing the Presidency, but I'm also not saying that R. Kelly peed on anybody, or that OJ Simpson was guilty of anything, or that George W Bush knew anything about 9/11… WOWWWWWWW this is going to get INSANE.. check it out:
Jesse James, Tiger, Obama, it never ends folks!!
The Jersey *Shore-Up*. What the hell is a shorah?