South Park Casualty Count: When Muhammad Met Blackface, Censorship and Mecha-Streisand


The Gingers and the celebrities work out a deal to share Muhammad if the Gingers can use Rob Reiner's goo machine -- which extracts the goo, the substance believed to prevent ridicule, from Muhammad. Tom Cruise is the first to buckle into the machine but Kyle interrupts by shouting, "There is no goo." Kyle, Jesus and Santa Claus all give lengthy monologues, presumably about how all of the warring parties need to get along, but the speeches are covered in long audio bleeps.

Here lie the many, many celebrities portrayed in last night's episode:

· Tom Cruise, Billy Bob Thornton, Kanye West, Rob Reiner, Martha Stewart, David Letterman, Bono, Paris Hilton, Mickey Mouse, Steven Spielberg, John Travolta, Subway Jared, Geena Davis, Rosie O'Donnell, Kevin Spacey, Oprah Winfrey, Jimmy Buffett, Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, Michael Bay, David Blaine, Morgan Freeman, Mel Gibson, Kurt Russell, Robert Redford, Sally Struthers, Jimmy Kimmel, Kathy Lee Gifford, Russell Crowe, Britney Spears, Osama Bin Laden, Michael Jackson, Charlie Sheen, Phil Collins, Sarah Jessica Parker, Al Gore, Tina Yothers, Ben Affleck, Rob Schneider, Karl Rove, Steve Irwin, President Obama, Jennifer Lopez, Barbra Streisand, Francis Ford Coppola, Sylvester Stallone, Jesse Jackson

Other Forms of Sacrilege:

· Buddha doing lines of coke (Jesus tells him, "Buddha, would you lay off that stuff already? It's getting to be a problem.")

· Jesus Christ's internet porn habit (Jesus tells Buddha, "Internet porn isn't like doing coke, fag.")

Instances of Casual Racism:

· Mitch Connor uses blackface and racist guilt to force his way into Dr. Mephisto's lab, "Yo man, sorry to bother you but there has been an accident down the street, man. Can I use yo' telephone? [...] This accident is real bad, dawg. My lady's leg is all busted up 'n sh*t and she's all rollin' around on the road lookin' like a cripple, man. I just need an ambulance, dawg. [...] I see you just don't want to let a black man in your house. Thought that once we got a black president, things would be different. We got a black president but whiteys still don't trust me to use their motherf*ckin' phone."

· Mitch Connor in voiceover, "One day you're sifting through the guts of some gook in Vietnam and the next, you're playing Dr. Phil with some kid and his teacher."

Best Insults:

· "Sorry is a four-letter word with a 'y' on the end. That doesn't mean anything to this poor kid." -- Mitch Connor

Movieline Rating: 6/10

Pages: 1 2


  • SunnydaZe says:

    And they say
    You don't tug on Superman's cape
    You don't spit into the wind
    You don't pull the mask of the ol' Lone Ranger
    And you don't mess around with Muhammad.

  • cliff says:

    I don't buy that the bleeping wasn't intentional... otherwise, why did they bleep out the entire sequence in the "I learned something today" bit?

  • David says:

    As soon as they cencored it more than what was origionaly intended the muslims wone. I knwo i cant spell but heed my word, when you reward people, children, anyone at all, for throwing a fit and threating they learn that that is all they must do to get away with it. It's our right to say w/e the fuck we want to on TV to a ceartan exctent. No other religion threw a fit about this but them. And muhabid is just another way of saying jesus or budah or Joseph smith. IF you look at the blunt version of any religion they are all simmilar in almost every way. Rolling over like this and giving them what they want just cause their throwing fits and acting like children, we should not only not listen to this one but we should never conceder what they have to say again. I dont get why we are having these people do this. Just as a lawer said taht it's hard to define "threat" and free speach, well then fine we should be able to do this with no fear at all of what they might do. I honest to.... muhamid...... belive that this is a form of terrorizem regardless of the fact they have not direcly attaked us, but they have attaked our way of living, and our freedoms weither anyone wants to admit it or not, it is true and you know it.

  • Anonymous says:
    I think now you'll buy it.

  • blogags says:

    It was a joke but we should respect religions as well.

  • Andrew says:

    You're right, David.. you can't spell!
    Actually, so you understand me:
    Yur rite david, u cant spel!!@!@!@##!!!@#$!

  • Derelix says:

    Yeah we should totally respect others religions. So i guess nobody is allowed to talk about Scientology if they suddenly decide they don't like it, after all that wouldn't be very respectful.
    Every day somebody tries to force some new kind of propaganda on us. Limiting free speech and calling it something like "respect for religion" is bullshit. People should be tolerant of religions, not obedient.

  • Anonymous says:

    People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs.

  • xxx says:

    it's prob not as funny as your face though. you prob don't have any beliefs;dont worry, it's not your fault. how could you have any faith in any God if they gave you a face like that? to think your mom spent 9months carrying you around too, sigh

  • Joe says:

    Gay. What xxx said was gay, not anon

  • HelloHello says:

    Freedom of speech is great. Well I am not a fan of Iran or its president but how about Iranian president saying jews exagirated holocaust. Does it hurt someone's feelings. Well guess what. Israel threatens Iran for an attack on this statement, freedom of his views and if he was in europe he could be in a british jail by now.
    Very funny!!

  • Hello, can you give me your contact information or let me know how to contact you? I have some questions about this that you might be able to answer. Thanks in advance