Captain America Courts a Different Gossip Boy


IESB is reporting that the Captain America shortlist is down to three, though it's important to note that none of these names were on the original shortlist. Lots of commitment-phobes over at Marvel! Anyway, the finalists are Chris Evans, Channing Tatum, and rumored frontrunner Sebastian Stan, best-known for the short-lived NBC series Kings and an arc on Gossip Girl (sorry, Chace!). Still, the website cautions that Stan's early childhood years in Romania could disqualify him for this very American role. Awesome: We're going to have Captain America birthers. UPDATE: Maybe it was offered to Chris Evans? So says THR! [IESB]


  • el smrtmnky says:

    dubya duya dos lasted less than the search for the cap'n

  • theescapist says:

    Sebastian Stan was also in Renny Harlin's gay witch masterpiece "The Covenant," where he got to say "I'm going to make you my Wee-yotch!"

  • capfan says:

    They suck. f*ck marvel productions. How does anybody in charge over there keep their job after so many crap movies?

  • el smrtmnky says:

    ah, yes: the craft with cock

  • Nate says:

    Are they really considering getting someone from Romania to play Captain AMERICA...what the f*ck happened to this world??!!!

  • Matthew says:

    You're wrong. It's Chris Evans.

  • zooeyglass says:

    It was offered to Chris Evans.

  • BasicSand says:

    I thought that Chris Evans was a bit reluctant to play yet again a superhero yet again. If you haven't seen Sebastian Stan in Kings, you definitely should. He's not just some pretty boy and he can seriously act.

  • HwoodHills says:

    So Marvel offers the role of Capt. America (a big, beefed up dude) to the same guy who played Johnny Storm (a thin "flamer" in FF4)?
    I dunno...
    Seems kind of like a weird way to go.
    Capt. A was an older, experienced guy and is pretty well-known in the American lexicon for being such.
    So they're gonna take the same actor who played Johnny Storm and cross-pollinate that way?
    What's next? Tobey Maguire as the latest incarnation of THE INCREDIBLE HULK?
    Or Roberrt Downey Jr. as DR. STRANGE?