Movieline at the 2010 Oscars

The ballots have been tabulated, the rule-breakers have been barred, and Mo'nique has finally decided between three equally gorgeous gowns. That's right, everyone -- Oscar Night 2010 is here! Join the whole gang from Movieline as we parse, sass, celebrate and bemoan the choices made by the Academy electorate on this momentous day for movie history. And what the hey -- we'll throw in our expert armchair fashion critiques for free. It's all right this way...


  • whoneedslight says:

    Backlash be damned, YAY HURT LOCKER!

  • Dimo says:

    Attention layingoldbricks...I don't know who you are, but you bring the funny! I feel like we share the same mind. Following you on Twitter in 10...9...8