Adam Scott Wants to Make Party Down and Parks and Recreation Both Work
When word broke yesterday that actor Adam Scott might be leaving the Starz sleeper Party Down to become a new regular on the increasingly overstuffed Parks and Recreation, it came as some surprise. Sure, Parks offered network exposure, but as Scott had told Movieline in December, he loved working on Party Down so much that he was devastated when the second season finished filming, stating that he "could keep doing it forever."
So will he? Movieline cornered Scott last night on the Indie Spirit red carpet to clarify the situation.
The actor cautioned fans not to panic, reminding them that the second season of Party Down hasn't even begun airing (the show returns April 23), and thus, Starz hasn't yet renewed the series for a third season, let alone set a start date for shooting. "If they pick it up for a third season, we'll figure out in what capacity I can participate," Scott said. "Hopefully I can as much as possible, because I really love doing that show."
In the meantime, what can he tell us about his upcoming Parks stint? "It just happened, so I don't really know that much," he said. "I do know that I'm starting work in a couple of weeks, and I get to spend a lot of screen time with Amy Poehler."
Does he have any idea who he'll be playing? "I mean, again, it just happened a couple days ago, so I haven't really had that sit-down with them yet. I'm just thrilled. I guess I'll find out!"