Awards Round-Up: Between the Alternative Oscars and the Bennies, Everyone Wins


If we all really must go through the final 14 days of awards season with the winners already determined, then we're going to need some diversions to sustain our interest. And since Mickey Rourke's chihuahua-toting, groin-patting, and otherwise outrageous exploits of 2009 have been reduced to a few seconds on another continent, it's time to scour the wires. And I'm glad I did -- you'll never guess what Harvey Weinstein is saying now.

· To wit, replying to a question about his favorite Oscar win, Harvey replied: "All the wins are satisfying. And all the nominations are satisfying. You know, I never look at it that way. Really, it's an old cliche but it's the truth: just to be nominated is good enough." LOLZ! This guy.

· Sadly Esquire has omitted many of the year's Weinstein Company releases from its 11th Annual Alternative Oscars. In fact, the Best Supporting Actor upset may very well have you scrambling to white-out your own pre-inscribed Oscar ballot.

· Not so fast, says Paddy Power! The Irish betting site has updated its post-BAFTA odds on all of this year's major Oscar contenders; at 1/25, Christoph Waltz is the most heavily favored nominee of the night. The biggest sucker bets include Christopher Plummer (25/1), Lee Daniels (66/1) and The Blind Side as Best Picture (125/1). They're also laying odds on the color of the Best Actress winner's dress, and this is one of those cases when it's definitely recommended to bet on black.

· Getting out of the Oscar cycle for a moment, let's hand it to the inaugural winners of the Bennies, which honor the very worst in television. While the full honorees will be announced throughout the week, the voter(s) today chose The Jay Leno Show as the nadir of Reality/Nonscripted TV; Leno and Jersey Shore antiheroine Snooki received prizes for Worst Male and Female Reality Personalities. Somewhere, The Situation is demanding a recount.

· Released yesterday, the NYT Magazine's annual Great Performances issue wasn't likely to outdo last week's sexy preview of Sandy Bullock's massive hair. But it came close, particularly in these scintillating images of five breakout actresses -- including Carey Mulligan, Abbie Cornish, Gabourey Sidibe, Saoirse Ronan and Emily Blunt (below) -- posed in various stages of housebound catatonia. Go get 'em, ladies!

