Movieline Ranks the 4 Biggest Longshots of the 2010 Oscars


SUPPORTING ACTOR: Stanley Tucci in The Lovely Bones


The second Christoph Waltz made his first satisfied milk-slurping face, this award was his. Then again, Oscar loves a good prosthetic uglification, and the stunning Tucci was really willing to go there for his craft.


As chilling as the dollhouse peekaboo scene was, handy killer George Harvey was just not one of Stanley's better actor/part fits.


Tucci can be awkwardly stiff when it comes to Oscar grandstanding (see his Today Show appearance), but all that time basking in Meryl's glow has to have rubbed off on him. Get ready for the world-weary bon mots of a slightly butcher Nigel!


First off, most everyone agrees this was a terrible movie. Also -- nobody wants to see a murderous molester win the Oscar. We want to see the vengeful dad win! (And Marky Mark is no Sean Penn.)


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  • MurasakiTurtle says:

    Take the number of women in the world. Minus the number of women in the world who worship at the Church of Oprah.
    That this is very, ridiculously true makes me laugh, as one of those remaining women. There are women that I know who don't necessarily follow the religion outright, but they do in their hearts and philosophy.
    The third act of District 9 felt like a video game, true, but it was such a *better* video game than Avatar. Less "OMG WOULD THE DAMN BOSS STOP GETTING THE F' UP SO I COULD WATCH THE DAMN ENDING CUT SCENES?!?! DEAR GOD."
    Oh, man, would I love that upset.

  • Lawrence says:

    Stanley Tucci - DESERVEDNESS FACTOR: 2?? Really? I thought that was one of the most chilling performances I had ever seen, so brutal and inhuman..

  • Matt says:

    I was not in the majority during District 9 release in the theaters. I could not stand that movie! I will say that District 9 was certainly more original than Avatar, but I could not get into the movie at all. The acting wasn't too good and the writing...all I keep thinking about was that scene where the main character calls his wife on his cell phone. No Bueno.