Tyler Perry Now Plugging Extreme Makeover Ahead of Precious


Like the tearful, chanting throngs amassed outside the Vatican during a papal conclave, Oscar Nation awaits those puffs of white smoke indicating that Precious executive producer Tyler Perry has finally acknowledged the film's six Academy Award nominations. Then this afternoon, after nine days of waiting, my favorite e-mail subject line -- "A Message From Tyler Perry" -- set my inbox alight.

Click! Then the opening line: "Hey, I didn't want to forget to tell you this -"

Swoon! And then... at last...

Perry might as well have typed "PSYYYYYYCH":

This Sunday night, I'm going to be on Extreme Makeover Home Edition on ABC! This is a two-hour special episode! I love this show and I was so excited to be a part of it! [...] You've really gotta see it! It airs this Sunday, and I MEAN...THIS IS FEEL GOOD T.V.! It's what I think T.V. should be used for...I LOVE it!

That's it. I gotta run. Talk soon.

Granted, the family profiled on Makeover has opened its home to 25 at-risk kids, and the episode will provide its own brand of soul-nourishing inspiration. But Tyler. Tyler. This looks bad! And if all we use TV for are home-renovation shows, then how will we watch the Oscars? You know I can't stay mad at you, but come correct, already.

· A Message From Tyler Perry [TylerPerry.com]
