Can You Find David Fincher in the Dazzling Oscar-Nominated Short Logorama?


After stirring festival crowds at Sundance and elsewhere over the last year, the recently Oscar-nominated animated short film Logorama has finally made its debut online. No one was sure if and/or when this day would ever come, if only because the nature of the short -- set in a world composed entirely of unlicensed corporate logos -- opened itself up to more than 2,500 potential lawsuits from the represented brands. (What, McDonald's might not approve of Ronald McDonald as a psychopathic, potty-mouthed fugitive?) And for all anyone knows, the two NSFW clips after the jump still might disappear shortly -- which is all the more reason to get a look now and find the David Fincher cameo hiding in plain sight.

Here's a clue: He looks suspiciously like the vice-chairman of News Corporation. (Answer here.) And if YouTube happens to unceremoniously yank the video before you happen to view it, don't fret: Magnolia Pictures and Shorts International will distribute all of the year's Oscar-nominated shorts -- both live-action and animated -- in a program opening nationally Feb. 19. This level of cinema deserves your big-screen attention anyway.

· Logorama [YouTube via Cinematical]