'Watch Out Harvey, It's on Now': A Collection of Official Oscar Reactions

The reactions, commentary and eminently quotable humility of Oscar Nomination Day is an age-old tradition in Hollywood, and one in which Movieline is happy to be involved since this morning's Academy finalists were announced. After all, what more could any film lover ask from such an occasion than a Beastie Boy and upstart film distributor calling out Harvey Weinstein, or first-time nominee Jeremy Renner liken today's recognition to a "blazing stamp in the passport of an artist"? The verbiage from these contenders and others -- including Colin Firth, Penelope Cruz, Wes Anderson, Neill Blomkamp and Quentin Tarantino -- has poured into Movieline HQ over the last few hours; find a representative sampling after the jump.

· "It's an honor to work with such talented filmmakers, and I'm really proud of the skilled team of technicians working 'round the clock at O-scope. Watch out Harvey, it's on now." -- Adam Yauch, president, Oscilloscope Pictures (distributor of nominees The Messenger and Burma VJ)

· "Wow! This honor gives me such tremendous satisfaction. And I'd like to congratulate all the other nominees in the directing and writing categories. I'm proud to be in their company." -- Quentin Tarantino, nominated for Best Director and Best Original Screenplay (Inglourious Basterds, also nominated for Best Picture)

· "Every aspiring filmmaker dreams of being nominated by the Academy, but when we began making District 9, none of us dared to think that our small film, shot in South Africa, with no well-known actors, could be Oscar nominated. And honestly, if it weren't for Peter Jackson's belief in the film, we wouldn't be here today. I'm extremely gratified, excited, and humbled, and I'm also grateful to the Academy for recognizing so many of the talented people who helped make it a reality." -- Neill Blomkamp, nominated for Best Original Screenplay (District 9, also nominated for Best Picture)

· "I thought I was managing my expectations, but on hearing the news I discovered new and unfamiliar vocal tones. Perhaps I should do another musical." -- Colin Firth, nominated for Best Actor (A Single Man)

· "I am completely surprised and elated. Rob Marshall is not only a genius but an absolute joy to work with. I woke up every morning excited to collaborate with this amazingly talented group of actors. Filming this movie was such a special experience and to be nominated for this role makes me so happy." -- Penelope Cruz, nominated for Best Supporting Actress (Nine)

· "I am very honored to have received an Oscar nomination for Fantastic Mr. Fox. Roald Dahl's classic story has been one of my favorite books since I first learned to read, and it was an amazing experience to work with my many, many very skilled collaborators and bring it to life as a stop-motion film! I would like to congratulate Alexandre Desplat, who wrote our wonderful score, for his nomination as well." -- Wes Anderson, nominated for Best Animated Feature (Fantastic Mr. Fox)

· "This is more exhilarating than I could have ever imagined. What a tremendous honor from the Academy-- a blazing stamp in the passport of an artist that can never be taken away and will always be cherished." -- Jeremy Renner, nominated for Best Actor (The Hurt Locker)

· "It is such an honor for my work to be given the distinction of being in the company of the other wonderful songs and writers who have been nominated for the Academy Award. That in itself is so meaningful all on its own. I am deeply grateful to Rob Marshall and The Weinstein Company for giving me the opportunity to create a new dramatic song for Nine - 'Take It All' - and to see the extraordinary Marion Cotillard bring it to life." -- Maury Yeston, nominated for Best Original Song (Nine)


  • whoneedslight says:

    Ouch, Jeremy, you hurt me with your quotes. And your velvet jacket. BUT GO JEREMY!

  • HwoodHills says:

    And the award for: Best PR Rep who crafts statements to sound like something someone really might have said goes to...
    Colin Firth's.

  • sgirl says:

    I read that Colin Firth was on live TV in the UK when he was heard whooping and saying (a version) of that.