In Video Outtakes, It Was Siskel vs. Ebert


For a while now, there have been some video outtakes of the old Siskel & Ebert program floating around, but Urlesque's compilation of the best moments is still a fun, bracing mid-day treat. It's good to be reminded that well before he discovered Twitter and stuck his tongue out at Avatar, Roger Ebert was the master of the withering, witty takedown. Ebert's at Sundance this week -- we'll soon see if he intends to eviscerate any of the closing films with the gusto he brought to a grammatically deficient Gene Siskel. Video below:

Siskel and Ebert's Darker Side -- An Urlesque Compilation


  • David says:

    I miss these guys. What great weekly entertainment and journalism and some honest critiques of the movies they reviewed. If they both didn't like one, I wouldn't waste my money seeing it. But if one liked it and the other didn't, such as in Stanley Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket" as discussed in the video, if a compelling argument was made - I'd see it. And I ended up loving Full Metal Jacket.
    They were just as funny when they'd visit Letterman over the years, with Dave acting as their foil.

  • Emperor Joshua Norton says:

    I am flabbergasted to learn that critics are assholes. Jeez, what next?

  • detlef holz says:

    They loathed each other: and why not. Elliot Wald brought the show to 11, and McCarter at 11 then managed to kiss it off (consider what 11 has done locally, chicagowise, its pathetic)and ebert and siskal then went on to clean up.
    Unspeakable school boy debaters night out.

  • Daft Clown says:

    You better watch out or Papa Ebert's gonna get you!

  • Martini Shark says:

    This is some stunning and shocking language to come from a vaunted film source! He liked "Benji The Hunted"?!?! (need air)

  • Dimo says:

    Hearing Gene use the F-word: Big thumbs up!