Prostitution Whores: Movieline's Year in Reality Television


Dancing With the Stars

Were you upset by Donny Osmond's win? Enough to out-cry Aaron Carter? Our girl Mya dominated Donny throughout the season, and we still feel for her battered feet.


Jersey Shore

They've only been around for a month (not even), but the cast of Jersey Shore has already proven itself a highlight of '09. Whether they're reenacting the nativity, pimping for spin-offs on Conan, or being wusses, this troop assures you that questionable Jersey representation is the real Situation.


The Biggest Loser

I don't know who should feel more cheated after this most recent season -- runner-up Rudy Paul or winner Danny Cahill's jettisoned 230+ pounds.


The Real Housewives

Whether they were reprimanded by A Cop Without A Badge or national security, Andy Cohen's angels took partying to illegal extremes.


The Amazing Race

And just when you count the Harlem Globetrotters out of vogue, they skyhook into your lives with an Amazing Race comeback.

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