Late Night Highlights: Mike Tyson, Dialing Diane Kruger and Beer Pong With Kate Hudson

Joshua Jackson's Mobile Faux Pas

The Fringe star's segment was lagging along with discussions of worn t-shirts until Jackson's cell phone rang mid-interview. When the Late Late Show host realized that it was Jackson's girlfriend, Diane Kruger, calling, Ferguson jumped at the chance for a spontaneous phone dialogue with the German beauty.

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  • peliculita says:

    I freaked out a bit when Tyson came out and started nuzzling the puppy. I swear it looked like he was about to bite the pup's ear. Luckily, he was not in fact doing so, but showing some love instead. *sigh of relief* Either way, yay for Tyson showing up on Conan.

  • Nick says:

    Man US TV is so bizarre lmao.